Chapter 24

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Kai and Natsu looked down at Future Rogue as Lucy and the others looked at the now destroyed gate.

Future Rogue was completely unconscious "The Gate was destroyed..." Arcadios says as the princess was in shocked to see it was completely destroyed.

"Now the gate won't be able to work at all anymore." Lily says as Miwa nodded "Yeah so Rogue won't be able to travel to the present anymore." He told them.

Carla spoke up "History...will be rewind..." as the ground started glowing as Kai looked around. All the dragons were glowing "The dragons are glowing."

Dragon Overlord disappeared, Flame Atlas was in the air still "It seems I must return to my own time." He says as he was glowing as well.

Both Wendy and Naoki looked at Zirconis as he was starting to fade "Nooooooo! What is going on!!!" Zirconis shouted "The Dragons are..." Naoki trailed off "Disappearing..." Wendy finished.

Zirconis attacked "I was defeated by some puny humans!!!" He shouted as Naoki jumped and grabbed Wendy so she wouldn't be hit.

"I'm sorry!" The princess shouted as Naoki looked up "Look out!" He told her "Princess!" Arcadios called out to the princess.

Princess looked up at Zirconis "I am the one responsible for the construction of the gate. I'm the one that caused a disruption to your flow of time." She told him.

Zirconis and the princess looked at each other "You who lived 400 years in the past and us who live in the present. We were never meant to have conflict with each other." The princess told him.

"The one that made it spin out of control was I..." She said as Zirconis spoke up "And who are...?"

She stood tall "Hisui E. Fiore." The princess told him her name. "Hisui?" She nodded at him "Yes...the same color of your body, Jade." She told him.

Zirconis smiled "The same you say?" He asked her as she smiled back "Yes the same." The princess replied. "Jade Dragon."

Zirconis thought about it "Jade Dragon...has a nice ring to it." He said as he soon realized that he was disappearing "Goddamit! I was tricked!" He shouted as he vanished.

Atlas looked at Natsu "I will never forget you Natsu Dragneel." He told Natsu before vanishing. "Thanks for the help Uncle."

Kai smiled at that as he looked around to see the dragons completely disappearing. Everyone was cheering as the small dragons were gone.

All the dragon slayers looked "This leaves a bad taste in my mouth." Cobra says as he sees them disappearing. "We couldn't beat it..." Am spoke up as Cobra nodded.

Mavis looked down "Not a single dragon was slayed by a dragon slayer."Mavis says to herself as she only could stare down at the city.

Chrono and Shion both sat on the ground bruised up "Man am I exhausted..." Chrono told Shion as he chuckled "Were both exhausted..." he agreed with Chrono.

Mamoru and Luna smiled as they sweat drop to see that Juvia was squeezing Gray to death. Koutei and Yuri smiled, Gai smiled as well.

Tokoha and Kumi smiled, they saw Jellal helping Erza walk as they smiled as well. "We won!" They all cheered as they were all in tears.

To Natsu and Kai

Future Rogue was starting to glow as well as he looked at his hand "The Rogue I came to know will not turn into you." Kai told Future Rogue.


They looked at him "They're come and come for me...they will try to consume me into the darkness." Future Rogue tells Natsu and Kai.

"And the day that I lost Frosch...was the day I with the shadow..." Future Rogue told them. "Frosch won't die." Natsu told him.

Future Rogue looked at both of them "Tell him...that one year from now to protect Frosch." He told them. "Who killed him?" Kai asked him.

He was quiet for a few seconds "The one...that kills...Frosch..." Future Rogue says as he tells them who kills Frosch. Both their eyes widen in shock especially Natsu.

Future Lucy

Future Lucy body disappeared as she woke up on a plain field "Where am I?" Future Lucy asked herself. She looked around as she saw her right hand with her guild mark.

She smiled "Hey Luce!" Future Lucy turned as her eyes widen "Get over here!" Tears formed "Ay! Everyone's waiting!"

Future Lucy saw Natsu and everyone that she lost, Natsu ran down the hill as he extended his hand out "Lets go on another adventure!" Natsu told her with a grin.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she smiled at him "Yeah." She took his hand as they ran up to the others.

To Present Lucy

The notebook vanished as Lucy touched her cheeks "I'm...crying..." She whispered as she hugged Natsu from behind. He was taken back but allowed it "Is something wrong?"

Lucy shook her head "No...not really. Just" Lucy thanked Natsu as he smiled at what she said.

To A Different Field

Aichi slowly opened his eyes as he sat up and looked around his surroundings. "A field...?" He asked himself as he stood up and started to walk "AICHI!!!"

He turned to see Kai and everyone as his eyes widen 'T-Their all alive!' Aichi thought to himself as tears streamed down, he saw Reina in a girl's arms.

More tears came he saw it was Yukino...she was alive. He knew that half of them died because after they died images form into his mind.

Aichi was devastated when he found out that Yukino and some of them died. Aichi ran up to them all as they all smiled "Let's go Aichi." Kai told him as he nodded.

To Present Aichi

Aichi smiled as he suddenly felt tears streamed down his cheeks "Aichi are you okay?" Evergreen asked him as he touched the tears. "Yeah I'm fine."

Leon raised an eyebrow "But your crying?" He asked him as Aichi smiled and wiped his tears away. "I'm really fine." He told them as he looked up at the sky.

He turned as Leon turned to Laxus and his friends "You guys can go to your guild and thank you for your help." He thanked them.

Laxus shook his head "No thank you for helping us, you helped us big time with that dragon and healing us. Thank you." Laxus thanked him.

They smiled and left. Aichi went to get Reina as he saw her in the barrier still. He picked her up and smiled "I'm back little one."

To Kai

Kai left Natsu to go and look for his friends especially Aichi to make sure he's alright.

To be continued

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