Prologue: Insanity

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A girl with scarlet hair wandered around the hallways of the castle she knew as home. She wore a long white sleeveless dress that slightly dragged behind her, a sword strapped to her waist. Her indigo eyes were quickly scanning all the rooms and hallways for her friend and the prince of her kingdom, Vector.

"Vector?" The girl called out, but there was no response just like the other times she called out his name. She continued to call out for the boy's name, but there was no answer each time she called.

Just when the girl was about to give up, a familiar, pained voice answered her. "Rose? Is that you?" Rose looked up to see a boy at the end of the hallway, silhouetted by the night's dark and the moon's light. He looked so happy to see her, joyful even, but there was a hint of insanity in his eyes that Rose didn't catch, which became her downfall.

The boy wore sliver sashes across his chest, a wind chime-like necklace, a red jeweled sliver necklace on his head, sliver earrings, silver bracelets on his right arm, a purple cape with a hood, purple pants with pointed shoes, and a large golden gauntlet covering his entire left arm, with a spike protruding from the said gauntlet. His hair spike up, his bangs curling around his face.

This boy was Vector, Rose's childhood friend and the prince to their kingdom.

When Rose turned, she immediately smiled and nearly screamed in glee "Vector! You're okay!" Tears of joy formed at the ends of Rose's eyes as she ran to Vector and embraced him in a warm hug. Surprised by the sudden embrace, Vector tentatively hugged her back.

He smiled insanely as a thought crossed his mind. "Rose, how are you still alive?"

Rose's eyes widened as she realized that her friend was once again in his insane trance again.

For some years now, ever since the death of the king and queen, the prince went mad, thinking himself as the ruler of everything in the whole world! People reluctantly pledged their loyalty to him and it was this reluctance that made the prince question his people.

Thinking that his people would soon betray him, the mad prince called an all out execution on every single citizen within his kingdom. And so it was done, everyone was killed in his kingdom, all except for Rose who escaped all the executions.

Rose tried to wrench herself from the prince's arms, but before she could even struggle against him, he tightened his arms around her, locking her in place.

She looked up at her childhood friend with fearful eyes "Vector, please, wake up! This isn't you!"

Vector laughed like a madman, sheathing the sword strapped to his pants "I'm sorry, Rosie, but I have to do it! If I don't, you're going to stab me in the back and betray me!" he said insanely, raising the sword over his head.

"No, Vector, you're wrong! I would never do that and you know it! Please, don't do this!" Rose desperately pleaded. Even though only one of his arms were wrapped around her, Rose still could not break free of his grip. Rose was trapped and she fell for it like the faithful idiot friend she was.

For a moment, Vector took in what Rose said. He did knew her since they were children; they told their secrets to one another without a second thought and they always kept those secrets to themselves, never telling a soul. Not only that, but their friendship lasted even now when Vector was insane. Rose never left his side even though many others told, ordered, and encouraged her to.

Yes, it was true. Rose would never betray Vector and he did know that, but a voice in the young prince's head told him otherwise. It told him many things about Rose that was not true to Vector. Vector ignored the voice for as long as he could, but in the end, the voice won.

"Rose?" the young prince said in a calm, apathetic voice. His sudden calmness frightened Rose, but she kept that fear down below where no one could find it.

The scarlet haired girl stopped struggling for a moment and looked up at her friend. "Y-yes, Vector?"

"Goodbye." And with that, Vector stabbed Rose in her back, right where her heart was. The girl immediately stopped struggling and fell limp in the prince's arms. She was still alive, but if she continued to struggle, she'd waste the last moments of her life doing something futile and worthless.

The young prince held his dying friend in his arms, cackling like a madman. "I killed them! I killed them all, every single last one of th-" Realization hit the young prince as he looked at his friend once more. His only friend was dying and he was the one who caused it! His insane laughter turned into sobs as he fell to his knees, holding her to his chest.

"Rose, I'm so sorry. Please, forgive me." Vector cried, brushing the hair out of Rose's face. "I'm sorry, Rose, I'm so, so sorry." he closed his eyes and let the tears fall on Rose's face. Her body was growing colder and colder with every second and her breathing grew ever slower.

Despite her dying body and lack of energy, Rose raised her hand and caressed the face of her one and only friend "Vector, please don't cry."

"R-rose, I-I..." the young prince started out, but was immediately interrupted when Rose shushed him.

"Don't you fret, Prince Vector, I don't feel any pain. Just hold me now and let it be..."

Vector choked back his words as he laid his hand on the hand that was caressing his face. He watched as the color from Rose's eyes slowly faded, a smile etched upon her face. Her body was now as cold as ice, still as water on a calm, stormless day, and empty.

The mad and mournful prince picked up Rose's dead body and carried it to the chambers where he and Rose played many times in as children. Toys were neatly piled in many chests, the blankets and pillows to the two beds in the room were neat and organized, and the only window was closed, covered by its curtains.

Memories flooded the young prince as he walked in the room. The endless days when he and Rose played with one another came to mind, then came the endless sleepovers and the many conversations they spoke with one another. The rush of memories made the young prince cry out more. All those happy days were gone. His only friend dead.

Unable to keep himself together, Vector sat on one of the two beds and held Rose a lot tighter than he had when she was alive. He cried out for his friend, mourning her loss. Hours later, he gave her one last squeeze then laid her down on the bed, covering her with the blanket and closing her dull eyes with his hand.

Vector's eyes lingered on Rose's face for the longest time. Without knowing, he leaned forward and kissed her's forehead. "Goodbye, my flower..."

And that's the end, guys! What did you think of the prologue? :3 I'm not really good at writing sad scenes, and I really want some feedback so I can improve my mediocre writing skills, so please tell me what you think! ^^

Mahalos chokes much for reading, commenting, and voting! ^-^ I shall see you all next time in Chapter 1!

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