Chapter 33 : Just Talk To Me

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(Sorry I had a problem with internet yesterday and felt like it didn't save properly and didn't upload properly.)(You can skip this part if you have read it I wrote the next part)

Skye's aka Eternal Knight's P.O.V. : It's been a little over three months sense I left to train to get revenge. I have gotten so much stronger. Midas wouldn't even stand a chance against me.

Midas P.O.V. : Months have pasted and I still haven't forgiven myself for turning Skye golden. My one true love. *hits the wall with a single tear rolling down his face.* I have got to go back. *Goes to the top of the boat and turns the boat to the direction of the island.

*Another month goes by*

Jules P.O.V. : *Driving her boat around until someone starts shooting at her boat because she was making too much noise with her boat and Jules crashes into a tree knocking her out cold.* *Meowscles was nearby and heard a loud noise and went to check it out. Meowscles see Jules passed out and picks her up and goes back to Catty Corner.*

Meowscles P.O.V. : * arrives at Catty Corner with Jules and puts her on a bed in a crate room above the vault.* *Lynx sees Meowscles and goes over to him with Kit in her arms.* "Meowscles?" Asked Lynx. "Oh hey Lynx" "Who's that?" Asked Lynx. "Some person that crashed in a boat so I figured to help them out." *Lynx kisses Meowscles in the cheek.* "Always so kind." Said Lynx. *Jules wakes up.* "Where am I? Who are you guys?" Asked Jules. "Your at Catty Corner. My name is Meowscles and this is my wife Lynx and my son Kit." "What happened?" Asked Jules. "You crashed into a tree." "Oh...Thank you for helping me out." Said Jules.

Midas P.O.V. : *Is that Risky Reels and turns some cars into gold in anger.* "Stupid curse!" *Hears someone nearby and hides.* *That person Midas heard walks into Risky Reels and sees the cars that are golden* "Boss?" Said a Shadow Henchman talking on an ear piece.* "What is it?" Asked Chaos Agent. WHAT CHAOS AGENT AGAIN?! "There are golden cars here at Risky Reels." Said the Shadow Henchman. "WHAT?! IMMOPSIBLE THAT COULD ONLY MEAN MIDAS IS ALIVE!" SAid Chaos Agent stressing out. "Head back to the Authority now!" Said Chaos Agent hanging up. *Midas comes out of hiding and touches the shadow henchman with his golden touch.* "Stupid henchman." Said Midas hiding the golden shadow henchman. "Great now I need to get out of here. *Runs away from Risky Reels and looks back at the Authority.* "I swear I will take you down again Chaos Agent...for her." *Midas leaves.*

*Eight months go by.*

Midas P.O.V. : It's now been a full year since I have turned Skye into gold. I still haven't forgiven myself. I still haven't defeated Chaos Agent and Shadow again. I wish my Agents were still alive and not golden. Should I try to contact them? But what's the point if they are gold....I mean it's worth a try. I should start with talking to my Agents again if they are alive....but I know they would hate me. Maybe if I explain myself they would understand? *Calls all the Agents but Meowscles and Lynx don't answer.* "H-Hello? Who is this?" Asked Rox. "Midas." "WHAT?!" Said everyone. "WE ALL THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" Said Agent Peely. "WHY IN THE HELL ARE YOU CONTACTING US?!" Said Tntina. "Let me explain myself." "EXPLAIN YOURSELF?! YOU BETRAYED ALL OF US!" Said Brutus. "I did it for a reason." "YEAH RIGHT MIDAS!" Said Maya. "YOU KILLED SKYE!" Said everyone. "Not really...If you agents are still alive and not golden that means...Skye...has...To.Be...Alive." Said Midas realizing Skye is alive. "He has a point." Said Agent Peely. "Yeah but explain yourself now." Said Tntina. "Chaos Agent and his daughter made me turn Skye into gold. I wanted to hide it from you agents." "But why?" Asked Brutus. "I didn't want you agents to freak out and hate me even though I lied to you guys and betrayed you...I'm sorry. I was worried because I didn't none of you agents would have helped me out. But there is a reason why I did betray you guys...I had someone working on a device that would turn Skye back to herself, but the device required a ton of power and my cousin wanted to kill us all like wipe out the whole island so I had to stop him and that's what caused the huge flood. I defeated him...he's now dead." "You did all this to save Skye..." Said Tntina, realizing why Midas did all the bad things... "Correct agent Tntina I apologize. I should have been honest with all of you." "Damn." Said Brutus. "So has anyone seen Skye?" "She said she was going somewhere about a year ago and hasn't been back since or heard from her. I'm really worried about her." Said Rox starting to cry.* "Yeah I think it was to get some space and try to forget what happened." Said Tntina. "That's all I needed to hear Agents...Thank you. And again I apologize for my actions. I will see guys as soon as I find Skye and bring her home, I don't want to plan anything against Shadow until I have Skye with us." "Okay Boss." Said Brutus. *Midas hangs up.* "I'm a huge idiot." Said Midas breaking down to the ground to cry. "I should have explained myself from the very beginning... or at least found Skye like a year ago....I'm so dumb! *Oro appears in front of Midas...*

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