Chapter 6: 4 seats

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Should I try doing one chapter from Aiden's POV?

Chapter 6: 4 seats
"Mom you know I hate that shirt!" I whine at mom who was showing me a blue shirt with Elmo on it.

Tonight the parents have thought that it would be great for all of us to go out together. Which meant having to share a meal with the three boys. Yes, they're coming too. I, of course, didn't want to go but mom is forcing me to and the worst part is that she wants to pick my outfit. The last time my mom tried picking my outfit out I was 12 years old. I ended up having to get a suspension because a crop top and booty shorts were too inappropriate for 6th graders.

"Okay well, I don't know what you should wear. You pick it yourself," she replied while rolling her eyes and throwing the shirt angrily into the bin.

If she would've let me pick like an hour ago we could've been done by now.

I watch her walk out with her short yellow dress on that reached barely below her butt and she wore yellow heels to match with it. She had her hair in a bun and wore black sunglasses. We were inside so I didn't understand the point of them but I knew better to not comment.

As soon as she leaves I sigh of relief and stand up from my bed. I pick the shirt out of the bin and stuff it back into the suitcase.

Other than that, Aiden's been out of the Lakehouse continuously. He would leave a little early at night and I would only hear the front door quietly open while I was in the kitchen making tea or eating breakfast, it was always during one of those times. I've avoided conversation with him for the past 4 days and tried my best to find something else to do than argue with someone. Daniel and Gabriel haven't came to the house since Daniel's high incident, I'll be seeing them tonight though.

I walk to my small closet that was built in the very right-hand corner of the room. I started to search through the clothes I had and eventually became clueless. Mom wanted me to dress extra good today and even though that wasn't my style I know she would be mad if I didn't. But, I didn't expect much of going out when we came to the lake house if I knew I would have brought more clothes. I roll my eyes of annoyance and wipe the frustration off my face.

10 minutes in and I still can't find a damn "nice clothing". I scoff of annoyance and remember that I should be able to wear what I want to. I grab a black oversized tee and oversized khakis with my green air jordans. I lay the clothes on the bed and stand back to look at them from a distance.

"Suck that b*tch," I whisper as I smile triumphantly and pick the clothing up from where I laid it to go change.

After I finished dressing I focused on my hair, I grabbed my curly hair and spread it out to look more lengthy and volumed. I applied mascara and clear lipgloss to give my lips a plumper look and walked downstairs.

"God, what took you forever?" Aiden said interrupting my thoughts of me walking
on a runway. I walked over to the front door and stood there.

He was holding the door open. He had on a black shirt that had a nice texture, it clung onto his waist showing the outline of his abs and chest. The black jeans weren't too baggy nor too tight and fit him perfectly. His volumed black longish hair swayed in front of his face covering his forehead, the light that led out to the outside making hit tattoos more visible. His veins were popped out and traveled across his tan arms. God, one paper cut, and that kid was DONE FOR!

I laugh at my thoughts and quickly wipe my smile away when he stares at me blankly.

I cleared my voice and answered his question, "I was getting ready, no one asked you to wait for me," I replied with the same tone he held in his voice as I rested my hand on my hip and gave him a look.

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