Chapter 25: Our secrets

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Chapter 25: Our secrets
I sighed and decided to go with what I wanted. I mean he was sitting there all alone and looked like complete sh*t. You see, my normal thing is to comfort people. I hate to see people so sad, even if it was Aiden.

I took a deep breath and walked outside. I felt my shoes squish with the wet grass. Okay, Heaven please don't fall. I surprisingly safely made it to the deck.

I walked over to him quietly and stood there waiting for him to notice me. He sensed a presence begin him and turned around with a confused expression.

He locked eyes and his face turned bitter, "Oh, it's you," he said and turned his face back to the lake.

Well hi to you too.

"No need to get so excited," I reply sarcastically as I slowly sit down next to him at the ledge, trying to not fall in the cold water.

I'm glad this ledge wasn't that close to the water underneath us because these jeans are too thrifty to go inside this lake.

He chuckles and rolls his eyes. He picks up the same clear bottle I saw earlier and drinks it like it's water, I watch as he swallows it, the movement of his adams apple taking my attention.

The bottle must have been full when he first got it because he had a lot of alcohol left to finish.

"Drinking is bad for you," I state as I feel my lip start to get frozen. I should've brought a jacket. I tilt my head to slightly look up at the stars. My arms behind me holding me up.

"Look if you came here to argue I'm not in the mood," he replied in a cold tone. He turned his face to make eye contact with me and I could see his jaw clench. His blue eyes didn't seem like they wanted to hurt someone but they seemed...hurt.

I sat more up, "I didn't," I reply with a sigh, "Why are you so sad all the time? You know you just kind of shut people out," I say and quickly regret saying it.

I expect him to lash out and throw his bottle everywhere but he doesn't. Instead, he pushes his black hair out of his face and stares into my eyes.

I felt my knees slightly melt and my heart speed up.

What the hell is wrong with me?

"It's just problems," he replied quietly as he turns his face back to the stars.

"What problems?" I ask as I start to fiddle with the corner of the deck.

"Look-," he starts but I quickly cut him off.

"Aiden I'm a stranger. I won't say anything," I assure him. I stare at him and wait for his eyes to meet again with mine. I urged them to meet with mine.

He sighs and turns to look at me. His eyes look as if they are slightly tearing up, the blue eyes that I described as crystal-like were now becoming an ocean. His lip starts to slightly quiver but he holds it in, he seemed to always hold everything in.

"It's life. It's the fact that people don't know my story and don't understand why I am this way," he says before pausing and facing the stars, "My mom and dad put up a show. They seem so nice and affectionate but they've never been there for me. They see me as a disappointment, a failure. I never learned to love and I wish I did. But I'm scared to know what it feels like again. I'm scared to let people in because I don't want to be to attached and have to let them go. For once I want to feel love but I just can't. I had a friend named Trisha, she was my only girl friend actually. One day she made a move on me and I thought I was in love. We dated for two years and she left me for one of my friends," he chuckles angrily, "to this day I hate her. Because she made sure love was not possible for me," he ended sadly, he cleared his throat and swished some more of the alcohol into his mouth.

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