Chapter 5

17 7 14

Samantha POV

"I read the finished article you wrote about Le Blanc restaurant and its aweful." My boss informed me without the slightest  emotion on her face.

I placed my hands on the table. "But Miss Roland I wrote everything according to the notes that you had given me."

"You added your own notes in here Miss Coleman. I don't want to hear your opinion and neither are people paying you for it. Your job is to write according to my notes." She spat.

Shook with disbelief I countered. "I thought you took me with you to the tasting so that I could add onto the things you may have missed."

"Are you trying to say that I am unable to do my job?"

I kept quiet knowing that if I was to talk further I would risk losing my job. "I apologise Miss Roland. I accept my mistake and it shall not be repeated. I will re-do the article."

She mused in my obedience as she gave her infamous evil smirk. "That's better, now get back to work."

I left her office and went straight to the cafeteria to get some cold water so I could cool down. I was so angry at Miss Roland, at fate and mostly myself for not talking back.

No one in this office ever talked to me. They all laughed behind my back because I was stuck as Miss Roland's puppet. She could ask me to jump and I would ask how high.

Nobody understood that I was sucking it all in because of my end goal. My blog had yet to be discovered and become famous so that I wouldn't have to deal with her anymore. I needed Miss Roland for the experience of going to five star restaurants in order to understand the meanings of layering, textures and balanced flavours from the best chefs.

My phone rang and I stepped outside to answer it. "Mom, how are you?"

"Sweetheart I am alright. Healthy as any 50 year old would be." She answered.

"And dad? Does he take his diabetes pills on time?"

I heard my mom laugh, "I have to force them down his throat always." She paused for a moment before continuing, "I miss you so much Sam. We haven't seen you ever since you left."

I felt my eyes watering so I held my head up to hold the tears back. "I miss you guys too mom. I will come soon, I'm saving up to come and see you."

"What's wrong hunny, I can feel your sadness."

I sniffled. "I'm just trying so hard to make a name for myself but it feels like I've been stuck in the same place for months."

"Oh Sam, everything will happen for you all of a sudden and you'll be grateful you didn't give up. Blessings are coming, believe that."

"Thank you mom." I smiled through my tears as I felt my chest become lighter.

"Those baby steps that you are taking are important sweetheart because one day you'll look back and see how far you've gone."


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