Chapter 19

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Samantha POV

"He kissed me Claire, I mean it was my fault for turning but I didn't know he was going to kiss my cheek." I vented.

"It was a mistake so I don't get what the fuss is all about." She shrugged.

I lay my head against the table. "I think I felt something."

"Oh okay..." Claire's voice said excitedly. "What did you feel?"

"I had this feeling at the bottom of my stomach. I felt sick—the good kind though." I lifted my head as I pouted. "The same feeling I had when I first talked to Julian."

Claire held my hands. "It's okay to like someone Sam. There's nothing wrong with that."

"There is doc. Its been almost a week and he acts like the kiss never happened, maybe because I shut the door in his face. To be fair, I just panicked." I spoke with my hands flairing everywhere. "It probably meant nothing to him since it was a mistake anyway."

Claire held my face in her palms. "Listen to me, you will never know unless you ask."

An hour later, I met up with London at the mall. "Happy Birthday Sammy Sam Sam!" She squealed as she ran towards me with open arms.

Kevin beat her to it though as he jumped on me. I laughed as London gave her son a death glare. "Aunty Sam, happy birthday." He wished me in his adorable little voice.

I gave him a sloppy kiss on the cheek. "Thank you sweety. You are so cute."

"Go on now. Your dad has been waiting to take you with him, while I take Sam shopping." London explained.

Kevin gave me one last hug and kiss before leaving with his father.

London was quick to drag me around the mall. "What are we looking for anyway?" I asked feeling tired of walking endlessly.

"We are looking for the perfect dress for your date tonight girl. You don't want to look boring do you?" London scrunched her nose.

I playfully hit her shoulder. "It's just a birthday treat by Hunter. It's more like a frate."

London rolled her eyes. "Now what the hell is a frate?"

"Friend plus date, frate." I shrugged.

"Get the hell out of here." London replied, walking away.

After what felt like hours we were now seated at a food court eating some hotdogs and of course, London got some pretzels too.

My phone rang during a conversation we were having about getting a better apartment.

"Samantha Coleman, how may I help you?" I answered.

I didn't know that this one call would be the best news I have ever heard in years. "Yes, I would love to. Thank you so much."

As soon as I hung up, London was already on my case bugging me about the call. I told her the fantastic news. "A TV producer is filming a reality show and I get to travel places tasting food alongside a professional chef. How awesome is that? I had an interview a few days back but I didn't want to get my hopes up." I squeaked in excitement.

"Your time to shine has come Sam. I'm so happy for you." London screamed, attracting the attention of a few strangers. "My girl is going to be famous."


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