Chapter 22

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Hunter POV

"You were really inconsiderate." Damian commented when I told him about that night.

"But she kissed me and then told me that she was leaving. How is that fair at all, I had a right to be upset." I defended, looking at my healing knuckles.

Damian shifted to the edge of his chair. "Listen Hunter, this girl has been struggling for months trying to make a name for herself and she has finally got a chance to."

"I understand, I do but Damian it's not like she can't work from here. There are so many chefs here offering to pay for her to critic their food. She still has many opportunities right here."

Damian rolled his eyes in an annoyed manner. "It's not the same and you know it." He stood up getting ready to leave my office. "You are not supposed to hold her back Hunter, you are only supposed to have her back."

With that, Damian left the room to get back to his duties.

I leaned back in my chair as I thought about what he had said.

Sam had gone through so many obstacles in life and this was her end goal. I wish I could go with her but my restaurant was only becoming recognised and I couldn't go anywhere.

I rubbed my chin as I began to get frustrated. The selfish part of me just couldn't bear to let her go in fear that she might not come back. On the other hand, all I wanted was for her to be happy.

I knew she would be happy here with me because I would do anything for that but could I force her to give up her dream.

If I can't give up mine then how could I force someone else to give up theirs.

I picked up my phone and tried to call her but it went straight to voicemail.

"Hey...I'm sorry for everything I said to you, Sam. I was inconsiderate and I shouldn't have. It's just that the more I see you, the more I want you. Somehow this feeling just grows and grows and I become more mad about you. I can't believe I'm saying this over the phone but..."

I cleared my throat as I ran my fingers through my hair. "I love you Sam. I really do, these months that I've known you have been beautiful. Behind every successful man is a powerful woman and for me that's you. You are such a strong person who has never given up on anything you've set your mind to and I really find that inspiring.

You've pushed me to be the best version of myself. If you are listening to this, I just want to let you know that I won't stop you. On your birthday, my wish was that all your dreams come true and I'm willing to honour that promise."

I sighed feeling ridiculous because it felt like I was talking to myself. "Please call me when you get this."


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