Chapter 7

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Samantha POV

After we were finished with our paintings we left them out to dry. Hunter dragged me into the kitchen insisting that he would teach me how to make a simple dish. "Today we will be making a sweet cake. Pretty easy am I right?"

I shook my head, "Desserts are even worse."

Hunter opened cupboards taking out ingredients like flour, margarine, sugar, eggs and all that. "Its not hard, my nanny and I used to make it all the time. Come on!"

"Fine!" I puffed rolling my eyes, "what do you need me to do then?"

Hunter looked up to me with a smile. "That's more like it. The first thing is to put the margarine and the sugar in the mixer over there. You do know how a cake mixer works am I right?"

"Oh please, I took a culinery course. I got this dude." I said confidently taking the ingredients to the mixer when I remembered something, "what are the measurements?"

Hunter laughed before he responded. We kept on adding ingredients while the mixer literally did all of the work. Hunter was about to add some lemon juice before I held his hand to stop him. "What's the lemon for?"

"My nanny always added it to put a tangy flavour in there." He responded before pouring it inside.

I bit my lip before an idea popped in my head, "Today is about creativity so let's add another crazy ingredient. It could turn out good or bad but at least we would have tried."

Hunter nodded before going through the cupboards. "I can't really find anything here that I think could work."

I firmly held his shoulders forcing his attention on me. "Stop thinking too much about it okay. What ingredient would you put in anything if you could? It doesn't have to be for desserts."

He seemed to close his eyes for a few seconds and when he opened them I could see the mischievous glint. "The first thing I saw was cheese, but I don't think-"

"Let's do it!" I said excitedly before grabbing a block of cheese and grating it before adding it in the mixer. "Its going to be a tangy sweet cheesecake. Sounds delicious!"

When the mixture was ready Hunter helped me to put it in the baking tray and into the preheated oven. While the cake was baking we sat down and started to compare our paintings.

One word...UGLY!

There were just random strokes that looked like vomit but that wasn't the point. The point was that he was able to just express himself without fear of judgement especially from his parents.

When the cake was ready we cut a piece each. "You first!" I said, mainly because I didn't want to taste it if it was aweful.

Hunter ate a spoonful and moaned in delight. "This is so good Sam. Try it."

I was about to grab a spoon when Hunter scooped another spoonful and held it in my face. I ate a little and I was also satisfied with our work. Then Hunter said something that caused butterflies in my stomach.

"You are one special lady Sam. The world will realise your worth sooner than you think."


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Note:idk if this recipe actually works lol!!!

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