Chapter 9

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Samantha POV

I woke up feeling better than I had in a long time. Back at my apartment I had an old uncomfortable bed which I would ditch for the sofa on many occasions. Hunter's bed was so comfortable that I wanted to stay in it forever.

The scent of sandalwood was so strong it filled the whole room. I guess it was the perfume he used. I left his room and walked to the kitchen to find Hunter already eating. "I thought it was rude to eat alone when you have a guest?"

"You were snoring so much I thought I'd have to wait forever for you to wake up." He laughed.

I yawned as I sat down, "I don't snore. I just...breathe heavily okay."

"Yeah yeah, let me serve you something."

While he dished some food for me his phone beeped. He took it out and seemed very ecstatic about the news because his smile was so big and he was running his hands through his hair. "Sam you!"

Taken back I looked at him confused. "Will you tell me what happened or do I have to read the message on my own?"

"Our recipes that I included in the menu have become such a hit that I have an interview this week with a food magazine. This is huge Sam!"

I nodded not able to believe that our work was actually paying off.

As I ate, Hunter talked about his family and an event that was happening in a few weeks. "My sister actually got her first big deal and my parents are throwing a party in her honour."

"You were invited, I'm guessing?" I looked at him over my icecream.

He nodded. "Its all to rub it in my face and show me what they think I am missing out on."

"Wow, thank God I have supportive parents. I wish I could visit them but thanks to the money you're paying me, I will soon." I smiled.

Hunter seemed to stop and just gaze into my eyes for a while. "Why don't you just visit them this coming weekend then? I could pay for your trip no problem."

I immediately shook my head. "Thank you but please don't."

"Why not? I just wanted to help. I thought since we have become friends over the last few weeks..." He tried to explain.

I pushed my chair back and began collecting my belongings. "I am just your employee. Please, don't miss the boundaries. Now if you will excuse me."

I walked over to the door but Hunter stood in my way with his arms out. "Samantha please, I apologise but please don't leave."

I tried to respond to him but my throat felt like it was tightening. I felt like some invisible hands were choking me. I tried to catch my breath but I couldn't.

"Sam, why do you look faint? Are you okay?"

My knees felt so weak and they eventually gave in sending me to the floor in a loud thud that caused my ears to ring. I could see Hunter holding me in his arms saying something but I couldn't hear a thing.

The last thing I saw were the paramedics before I drowned in darkness.


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