Chapter 11

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Samantha POV

"You are just building walls around you that don't even need. All this junk is just a reflection of what's in your head." He said.

My patience was wearing thin. "Mr Grey, I didn't ask for any advice."

"Have you never asked yourself why you don't have friends Sam? I always used to think those people were so dumb for letting you go yet I didn't know that you were the problem. You pushed them away!" He accused.

His words hit so hard I could feel my eyes start to burn from the tears I was holding back. "You have no right to make assumptions about me."

Hunter walked over and held my face in his hands forcing me to look at his blue eyes. "That's why you had a panic attack yesterday right, because I wasn't allowing you to push me away." He spoke so softly. "I know there is a past behind all this and I'm going to give you time to face it. Stop being a coward Sam and only then you'll be able to move forward."

The tears escaped and I started sobbing. "Please don't do this. Just leave."

"Fine, I'll go." He said as he left me and walked to the door. Before he left, Hunter looked back and said his last words. "You get in life what you have the courage to ask for."

And with that he was gone. I ran to lock the door and slumped against it while crying uncontrollably. The truth had hit so hard. I slouched down into a foetal position and cried so much. All the feelings that I had never expressed over the past months all came out through my tears.

After a while I wiped my tears and started to pack my bags. Anything article of clothing I could get my hands on, I tossed it inside hastily. I needed a breather and I was leaving. Within half an hour I was ready to go with my bags already in the uber.

I looked at my apartment one last time in disgust of myself and what I had become. I  locked the door and made my way to the airport and took the first flight home.

A couple of hours and a long flight later, I was standing in front of my parent's door. My mom opened the door and practically screamed when she saw me. "George! George come down. Our baby is home. Get here fast you old man!"

She gave me the biggest hug ever which made me feel so warm and safe. "Sam? Oh sweetheart, come give your dad a hug too."

I smiled releasing my mom to hug my dad as well. "I missed you both so much."


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