Chapter 21

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Samantha POV

As Hunter drove us back to my apartment I felt really awkward. On one hand the kiss we shared at that park was just so mind blowing. I could still feel the way he so delicately held my waist and the way his other hand shifted to the back of my neck to hold me in place. I could still taste him on my lips.

On the other hand, I didn't know what all this meant. Especially since for the rest of the night we didn't talk about the kiss.

The worst part was that I wanted it to happen again. It felt so right even though we were not even a couple.

The car came to a sudden halt in front of the apartment complex. "Oh, that's my stop." I chuckled. Seriously Sam, of all things you could have said.

Hunter got out and opened the door for me. We entered the building and stopped by my door. "Thanks for today. I had fun and it was a perfect birthday."

Hunter ran his fingers through his hair. "Yeah..."

I bit my lip as I looked around, not exactly knowing what to say. "The dinner on the rooftop was really special. I wish I was dressed more elegantly though."

Hunter smiled. "Don't worry about it. It's not like there was anyone else but the two of us anyway. Plus I'm the one wearing jeans so..."

We shared a light laugh but I couldn't help looking at his lips, wishing they were smiling against mine.

Hunter walked over and held my hands in his. He lowered his head and gave me a peck on the cheek which certainly lasted longer than it should have. As he drew his head back, I placed my hands on his neck and smashed my lips with his.

My eyes fluttered closed as Hunter's lips danced in sync with mine. He placed his hand firmly on my back and pulled me closer as our bodies pressed into each other. Hunter pulled at my bottom lip with his teeth and I gasped, giving him the entrance he needed to explore my mouth.

I could taste the chocolate cake we had devoured a while ago on his tongue as it did wonders to my own.

"A frate huh?" London's voice pulled us out of our daze as we let go of each other in an instant, catching our breaths. "I had just gone to get some pretzels and this is what I find outside my door. Well, don't forget to use protection." She warned with a sly smile before entering the apartment.

"I've meaning to tell you something the entire day but I guess, I didn't get the chance to." Hunter started. "I really really like you Sam and I want us to be more than friends."

I was about to respond when I remembered the news I had got earlier during the day. "I'm sorry Hunter but I can't. I got an offer to go on a world tour earlier today and I-"

Hunter placed his hands on my shoulders cutting me off. "I know you felt something through that kiss, I can see it in your eyes. Don't tell me you didn't feel it Sam."

I lowered my eyes in guilt. "I did Hunter, but you know it's been my dream and what I have been working so hard for. I can't give it all up, not now."

Hunter looked to be in disbelief. "You can't be serious Sam, you can still work here in New York."

I stepped back as the feeling of anger overcame me . "Your restaurant is a big success but my career is just getting started and this is the biggest opportunity I could ever get. I'm sorry for kissing you, it was a mistake. One I'll probably regret for the rest of my life."

I quickly got into the apartment and shut the door in his face. I heard him grunt and punch the wall before leaving.


Ola! Thank you for reading ^_^ only 4 chapters left, I'm going to cry!!!
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