Chapter 8

22 6 14

Hunter POV

Samantha arrived late, she seemed very flustered. "Are you alright, it looks like you ran all the way here."

She bent over with her hands on her knees possibly trying to catch her breath. I walked over to rub her back feeling quite concerned. "Sam, are you alright?"

She unexpectedly whipped her head up, her hair slapping my face. "Oh gosh! I am so sorry. Are you fine?"

Rubbing my cheek I replied. "Yeah, what happened to you? You look dead."

She raised her eyebrows with her hands on her hips, "Mr Grey I would like to let you know that I spent all night writing down ideas for your recipes and I fell asleep late. Quite frankly I didn't get much sleep."

"I'm sorry. You can take a nap while I look at your ideas and cook something." I offered.

She took out her notebook and handed it over to me. "Which way is the guestroom?"

"Uh...I don't have one so you'll have to sleep in my room if you don't mind. I promise its clean." She simply nodded and I gave her the directions, "down that way and second door to the right."

She let out an adorable yawn as she dragged her feet beneath her. I quickly sat down and went through her ideas. Some of them were really good but I wanted my food to be a representation of myself.

I chose a few and changed them to my taste. After that I started cooking. I made chicken breast with pistachio stuffing and a smooth silky pumpkin purée. When the oven timer rang I took it out to let it rest. While it was resting I decided to go and check on Sam.

She was sprawled all over the bed with her blonde hair in her face. She just looked like an angel sleeping in peace. It was so serene. I lowered myself to pull the blanket over her petite body. As I placed it around her shoulder my fingers brushed against her soft skin causing an unfamiliar feeling that had been growing over the past few weeks with her.

She seemed to move a bit as though she was feeling restless. It wasn't until I looked at her face that I realised the sun was shining her through the window. I couldn't deny the way it made her skin glow. It made her look even more beautiful if possible.

What was I thinking?

She's just here for work and nothing else. Heck I shouldn't even be looking at her that way. I barely even know her.

I walked over and closed the blinds. She stopped moving after that but then she started snoring.

Girls actually snore? I thought to myself. I silently chuckled and left the room to prepare some dessert for later.


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