Chapter 25

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Samantha POV

"I can't believe this is it." I huffed.

London rubbed my shoulder. "Yeah, me too."

I turned to face her. "I'm so grateful for your support London. I wish you and Kevin could come too but I understand." I sadly smiled. "Don't forget to Skype and I'll try and come to see you both as much as I can."

She pulled me into a hug. "And you can tell me how pretzels taste in other parts of the world." She giggled.

As I pulled back, I gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I will miss you so much."

In that moment, the taxi pulled up. As the driver put my bags in the car everything became so real and I started crying. "I didn't anticipate it to be so hard to leave."

London blinked her tears away, trying to be strong for the both of us. She held my face. "Listen here Sammy, you are going to go and explore this world. You will accomplish so much and I will be with you in every step. When you come back, I'll be right here waiting for you hoping you finally accept to drink my spiked coffee." She laughed through her tears.

I wiped my tears and gave her one last hug. "Tell Kevin, I love him and give him my kisses. I already said goodbye last night before he left with his dad."

London smiled as I got into the taxi. While the car drove away, we waved at each other until I couldn't see her anymore.

When I arrived at the airport the crew was already waiting for me. My parents said already said their goodbyes last night before leaving. The only person I had not heard from was Hunter.

"Sam, our flight has just been called. Let's go." A crew member informed me.

I stood up with a heavy heart. As I walked over to the reception, I heard my name being called. I thought it was in my head but I heard it again. I turned around to see Hunter crouched over trying to catch his breath.

"Hunter, what are you doing here?" I asked walking over to him.

He stood up straight and hugged me. "Please don't go Sam, please don't go."


He released me and ran his hand through his hair. "Look I know there might not be another opportunity like this but I can't watch you leave Sam. I'm so scared that if you leave, you will find a guy somewhere out there who actually deserves you.

I'm scared of letting you go and the rest of my life never feeling the things that I feel when I'm with you. I couldn't sleep last night thinking about you, I can't lose you Sam. I sound selfish but I can't help it, I love you too much to give up."

Before I could respond, Hunter grabbed me by the waist and smashed our lips together. The kiss we shared was harsh and urgent as Hunter poured out all his emotions through the kiss. I grasped his shoulder in the heat of the moment forgetting how public we were.

As Hunter tugged at my bottom lip, I pushed him back. Looking around I could see everyone staring at us but I wasn't bothered.

A lady from the crew cleared her throat. "Miss Coleman, we have to leave."

Hunter placed a finger under my chin, gaining back my attention. "Don't go Sam."

The desperation in his voice pained me. "I love you Hunter, I really do." I confessed as he beamed in joy. I placed my hands on his chest. "That's why it pains me to tell you that I can't stay. My heart belongs to you but I will never be happy knowing everyday that I gave up my dreams. I don't want to end up hating you a few months down the line." I sobbed.

"Miss Coleman, we have to leave." The woman insisted.

Hunter took my hand and kissed it as a tear rolled down his cheek and onto my hand. "I'm sorry Hunter but I will come back and if you wait for me, I will be all yours then but for now, my happiness lies in this."

I gave him a peck before turning and walking away. I never looked back in fear that I would run back into his arms and never leave.

=========================THE END=========================

We have reached the end you guys. Its so crazy "_"
Thank you so much for reading^_^
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