Chapter 17

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Samantha POV

"How is little Kevin?" Claire asked.

My heart warmed up at the mention of his name. "He is so sweet, doc. He just brings joy to both his mother and I." My heart fell a little. "It does still hurt sometimes because I always wonder if my child would have had the same characteristics as Kevin or not."

Claire wrote something down before she continued. "Do you still feel any guilt?"

I sat up as I thought for a while. "Not as much because I still feel like if I didn't hate my son then he would still be here because I would have taken better care of him. At the same time I know that I shouldn't feel guilty because at the time, I was a child too, a broken one."

"I need you to understand that you didn't do anything wrong Sam. There is no need for guilt. Your body was too young to carry a child and your son died because of medical reasons."

I simply nodded, taking in her words.

"Have you made friends yet?"

I placed my elbow on the armchair. "Yes, I have London and Hunter. Those are the only two I trust right now. One step at a time, I guess."

Clair leaned forward in her chair. "It is progress but not much. Not everyone will betray or deceive you, Sam. People can only come into your life if you open the door."

"I'm still a bit scared doc. Those guys seriously scarred me and I trusted them so much. Friends don't do that to friends. People are monsters and naive people like me are their prey." I defended, folding my hands.

Claire sighed. "I didn't say everyone is an angel but all of this is part of life. If we were all afraid of getting betrayed then no one in this world would have any friends at all. You fall, you get up. You lose people, you find true friendship."

"I'll try, but I can't promise anything at the moment."

Claire nodded as her bangs bounced. "How is work going?"

I bit my lip before answering. "It's awesome. I left the cleaning job and I now work for Sauveur Magazine. I have my own article with my name on it. I also have some requests for reviews on my blog Sammy Says. Life is good and so is the money." I laughed.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pants. I pulled it out to see a text from Hunter asking where I was. I quickly responded and turned to Claire. "I'm sorry doc, I made plans so I have to leave early."

Claire waved me off. "It's okay, go ahead."

I stood up to leave when I remembered something else. "Also cancel me for tomorrow, I have a business meeting."

She smiled. "Don't worry about it."


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