Chapter 11

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Wooooohoooooo. I never thought I could reach chapter 11 . Thank you so much for reading on with me . Please drop a vote and a comment . Please . Did I mention please? I have a surprise for you!!!!! This is a really weird chapter. Read on. Hit the vote? Yasssssss.

So after the movie night, go back. I know you skipped the bold . Read it please *bats eyelids seductively * I said go back . Okay you're done? Read on .

Archer's POV. Didn't expect that.

I sat down in my car after pulling into my driveway . I sighed as thoughts roamed my head . I hope she doesn't wear my hoodie to school. Noo, she's smarter than that . Then again, I kind of want her to. Sigh. I was with Venus .

I got out of my car and Venus called me . I picked. She told me what happened after she left . Not that I asked though. Then she asked me .

"What happened at school after I left Archer?" Ok that question got me hanging . What happened exactly? I hated Romance so I couldn't exactly say that I watched the film . I watched her instead . Sigh . Why did I even agree to go again? Oh right . Venus and she ditched me last minute.

"Archer? You there?" Shit. "Yeah." I voiced out after landing on my bed . I couldn't think of any response quick. "My head aches."

Well, fuck me! Of all excuses. Stupid!

"Oh Archer , you could have told me. Get some rest." She said quickly. No doubt she cared for me. She loves me . Sigh . I can't bring myself to return that back. Just because of one girl. Okay sooooo story time.

Do we all remember when Venus found out that Betilla kissed me? I'll give you a recap.

"I trusted you . But you know what fuck you . Fuck you for asking me out again . Fuck you for breaking me again. And the same fucking way ." She said

Okay so Venus and I dated back when I was still in the U.K. Yes, she was a good girlfriend. But back then I was under a phase . Let's call it that. I dated someone before her too. I was really in love with her , I mean head over heels for her . And I had my heart broken . Brutally. Sigh , such a cliche'. So I had expected Venus to do the same . Well my brain acted before my heart and I broke her before she could even think of hurting me . Yes, say what you want.

I won't disclose the name of the first girl because I don't want hate to be sent to her . Even if you can. Sike!!! Oh I deviated. Apologies. So I got drunk at a party . Venus went with me . I got really wasted like really wasted . I couldn't even walk but I don't know I ended up kissing a girl and I said very , very hurtful words to Venus. So that's how I broke her. I never really loved anyone after that. But now it feels like I'm reliving it. You know what I mean.

End of the fucking story. Sorry about that . I needed a spice to the sentence.

"Okay. I'll talk to you later. Have a splendid night Planet." I muttered as my last words before I cut the call. I sighed as I ran my hands though my hair in frustration. I felt like seeing her. I long for her presence. I rushed to my bathroom and washed my face.

"Get it together Archer!" I yelled at myself . My parents weren't home yet . Typical. I looked back into my colourful orbs and shared a blank emotion. I walked out of my bathroom and into my room. I took my phone and left my room to my driveway and got into my car . I drove till I reached the familiar road. I parked at the sidewalk and got out.

I stood there looking at her house . The lights were on meaning she was still up. I walked to her door and knocked . I heard footsteps coming in my direction. I looked away from the door . The it was opened .

"Archer?" She questioned . I snapped my head to her. She looked happy to see me. Her face said it all. I took my time to give her a once over . She was still wearing my hoodie from the movie but with short shorts. It exposed her legs and I loved it. My eyes snapped back to hers . She seemed to like it that I was checking her out. "Betilla, who is it?" A masculine voice spoke. I rose my eyebrow.

She opens the door fully and I entered . She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside . "Father , Archer." She said looking at me . I hesitated before saying.

"Nice to meet you..sir." He nodded and returned the greeting. He left the lounge . I stood there standing near her . "What the fuck are you doing here?" She asked suddenly . I looked at her with a plain stare . Then she added . "If you came for your hoodie, I was going to return it on Monday. You can have it now."

I laughed . But then a female approached us . I noticed a similarity between them. Betty introduced us and greetings were exchanged . "Mother, Archer and I are going to my Study." She nodded . Once we were situated in her study, I smiled at her . "Why are you smiling?" She asked confused . I kept quiet still. 

"I want answers." She said stubbornly. "It's A. If you don't believe me, then go for C." I said with my British accent peaking. She groaned . "You're too sarcastic!" She yells. I smiled at her . I felt happy with her at the moment. "Nice to know my sarcasm is appreciated Betty." I muttered.

"Why don't you use your British accent?" She asked suddenly forgetting about the first two questions . I shrugged , then I started. "Basically, I don't know . I guess you can say that I don't really like it." I said perfectly with my accent. She was shocked that I could talk like that. I stood up to walk to her . Her cheeks reddened because I was coming close . "Do you like it when I use my accent to talk to you?" I asked , tension rising in the air . But the out of nowhere she stood up and walked to meet me . She stood before me and looked into my eyes.

"Yes , I do." I could feel her leaning into my body. My hands found their way to her waist. They perfectly fit . "You do?" I asked teasing her. Her hands touched my chest. Then it hit me. I pushed her away from me and stepped back. She only frowned. I couldn't give in to my feelings for her . I couldn't hurt Venus again. But then again , I can't ignore these feelings forever.


Yassss so I'm gonna do a double update cuz I love you guys. So no unnecessary shit here . Read on!!! Hit the FUCKING VOTE before you leave though. No , it feels weird . Ignore that. Don't you dare.

Am I okay?

Stay safe and have a productive day!,!!,!!, ignore the commas . Sigh.

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