Chapter 2

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After Dylan and Jaycee finished their pizza, they went to the park. Jaycee sat on a swing, and Dylan stood next to her. He wanted to ask her a question, but he didn't know if it was the right time to ask her. They had only known each other a few hours.

"Jaycee?" he looked at the ground.

"Yeah, Dylan?"

"I know we had only known each other a few hours, but I like you."

"I like you too, Dylan," she smiled.

"No. I mean I really like you," she stopped swinging.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, will you go out with me?"

"Um, sorry to say this, Dylan, but I don't go that way. I'm gay."

"Oh," he said disappointedly.

"But," he looked up. "I can always make an exception."

"Really?" his face lit up.


"So, you'll go out with me?"


"Yes!" he jumped with joy.

"Stop that," she grabbed his arm.


            Dylan stared deeply into Jaycee's eyes, watching the flecks of brown sparkle. A small smile appeared on his face, and disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Their heads leaned in, and they closed their eyes, letting their lips meet. Dylan wrapped his arms around her waist, and she wrapped hers around his neck. When they pulled away, it started to downpour.

"We should go inside," she started to walk away when he grabbed her arm. "Why'd you do that?"

"You look beautiful in the rain. Plus it's romantic, kissing in the rain," he pulled her close, and kissed her again.

"You're right. This is a lot more romantic. But I'm cold. Can we please go inside now?"

"Sure. As long as I can keep you warm," they went inside.

            Dylan and Jaycee went down to the basement of the library across the street from the park. They sat on the couch in front of the fire, and he held her close. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, and put her head on his chest.

"You know, Jaycee, when I first saw you, I thought you were the most beautiful woman in the word."


"Yeah, you are. I've never met any girl like you, or as pretty as you."

"Thanks, Dylan," he kissed the top of her head. "Wanna know something?"


"When I was sitting outside the ice cream with Landen and Mckenzie, I kept looking at you."

"So was I. I was waiting for Landen when I saw you. I was having a mental debate whether or not I should talk to you. He noticed I was staring at you, and told me to go talk to you. He pushed me towards you, but I didn't know what to say," Jaycee cut him off by smashing her lips against his.

"You don't need to tell me," she said after pulling away. "But I'm glad Landen told you to talk to me."

"So am I," he kissed her once again. "You know, Jaycee, this could be the start to something amazing," she smiled.

            Dylan wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her onto his lap. He kissed the top of her head, and stroked her hair. After a little while, she fell asleep.

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