Chapter 11

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By Sunday afternoon, Dylan was all packed, and both boys were moved into the apartment. Their apartment was right down the street from Jaycee's house. She got up early that morning, so she could help them move. Her parents were going out for the night, so she was having Dylan over for dinner for their one year and four month anniversary.

            She had just set a box down when he had walked in with his last box. He set it on his desk and kissed Jaycee. He was happy that they've been together for that long. They both were.

"I love you, Jaycee," he smiled at her.

"I love you too, Dylan."

"Happy anniversary."

"Happy anniversary," he kissed her again.

"I have something for you. I know how much you love chocolate, so," he pulled a small tin out of the box. "I made you some."

"Oh, my god! Dylan!" she took a bite. "Oh, my god. This is amazing. It's like an orgasm in my mouth," he laughed.

"I'm glad you like it," his arms around her shoulders. "Because I made it just for you. You're the only girl I made it for."

"Aww. That's so sweet. You know what? I'm gonna make you dinner for a change."


"Yep. My parents are goin' out of town for the night, so you're comin' over."

"Okay, babe."

"I gotta go. Dinner ain't gonna cook itself."

"Okay, babe," he kissed her again. "I'll see you later."

"I love you."

"I love you too," she picked up her chocolate tine, and walked out of the room.

            She walked out to the living room to find Landen sitting on the floor, barking at his video game with his headphones in. She said his name a few times, but he didn't even realize she was there. Until she kicked him. Hard.

"God damn, Jaycee!" he yelled. "What the fuck was that for?!"

"I said your name a few times, but you didn't listen because you have your headphones in."

"So you kick me?!" he took out his headphones.

"Yes!" she exclaimed. "I'm leavin', and I just came out to say goodbye."

"Oh. Goodbye," he stood up, and he hugged his little sister. "I'm guessin' I'll see you later."

"I'll probably come get him after I'm done makin' dinner. I'll send him home with whatever we don't eat. If he comes home tonight."

"Jaycee! Don't put that thought in my head!" he exclaimed, making her laugh.

"I'll see ya later," she left.

            Landen had moved into the apartment the week before graduation. He figured it would be easier because they wouldn't have to spend more time on moving and unpacking. They also thought it was better, so they wouldn't get their stuff mixed up.

            When she got home, she put all the ingredients she was gonna use for dinner out on the counter. Then went into the living room to put music on. After that, she ran up to her room to put her clothes away. Then she ran back downstairs to start cooking. She started singing along as she was making dinner.

Nobody's gonna love you if you can't display a way to capture this nobody's gonna hold your hand and guide you through," she sang. "No it's up for you understand nobody's gonna feel your pain when all is done and it's time for you to walk away so when you have today you should say all that you have to say."


Song for this chapter is Roger Rabbut by Sleeping With Sirens!!!

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