Willy's Proclamation

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Willy and Charlie were hard at work in the inventing room, coming up with some new ideas for candy

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Willy and Charlie were hard at work in the inventing room, coming up with some new ideas for candy. Charlie was definitely coming up with some good ideas, and Willy was loving each one. Even though he was hard at work, Willy's mind was elsewhere.

"Is everything alright, Mr Wonka?" Charlie asked, noticing he seemed a bit distracted.

"Oh, yes" Willy said with a nod. A small smile grew on his face. "I just can't stop thinking about Rose"

Charlie grinned. "You really love her, don't you, Mr Wonka?"

"More than you can imagine, Charlie" Willy answered dreamily. "I know I haven't been with her long, but yet it feels like I've spent an entire lifetime with her. I love her smile, her laugh, her eyes, and that angelic voice she has, whether she's talking or singing! I just.... I love her"

Never once did Willy Wonka ever think he would feel this way about anybody. He used to feel so disgusted at the idea of love. But then Rose came along, and she helped him realize that love was a wonderful thing to feel.

"Charlie" Willy muttered quietly, staring off into space, still thinking about his beautiful starshine. "I don't think I'll be able to wait..."

The young boy furrowed his eye brows, wondering what Willy was trying to say. "Wait for what, Mr Wonka?"

"I want to marry Rose. I need to marry her" Willy confessed. "I was going to wait a year, but now..." He then started laughing with pure happiness. "I'm going to ask her to marry me!" Willy started pacing back and forth, now talking more to himself than he was Charlie. "Yes, we have only been together for a few days, but I know I'm gonna love her for the rest of my life. So, why not?"

Charlie couldn't believe his ears. Here was Willy Wonka, declaring his everlasting love for Rose Bucket, and now he was announcing his intention to marry her as soon as possible.

"You don't think it's too soon, do you Charlie?" Willy asked for Charlie's input.

"I don't think it's too soon" Charlie answered honestly. Now, if this were anyone else wanting to marry Rose, he would want at least a year before her suitor were to propose. See if the man truly did love Rose. Unlike that rotten boy, Harry. Charlie always knew that Harry wanted to marry his sister just to claim her as a trophy. Something to show off.

But this was Mr Wonka. A man who has proved that he's truly, madly and deeply in love with Rose. Willy didn't just love Rose for her looks. He loved her because she was Rose. After all, the man did make an entire room in the factory just dedicated to her. If that doesn't prove true love, then Charlie wasn't sure what did.

Charlie was curious about one thing and so he asked Willy. "When did you know you were in love with Rose?"

Willy's eyes twinkled as he reminisced about the day of the tour. "It was the moment she shook my hand" He looked down at his hand and smiled as he remembered. "Charlie, if I'm going to propose to Rose, what kind of things do I need to do first?"

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