Chapter 8

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"Y/N, come on wake up girl. Y/N" you hear someone call your name briefly while you're still dreaming.

"Y/N!" Your eyes open to see Emily in front of your face. "Come on. We have a case, Hotch just called JJ." You sit up and rub your eyes trying to figure out what time it is.

"What time is it Em?" She hands you your phone and you notice it's 5:05am. "God it's so early."
You groan and she laughs at you. She's dressed already which surprises you.

"I know, come on. It's only us girls up at the moment, you wake up Reid and I'll get Garcia to wake up Morgan." She pulls the duvet off of you and beckons you to get up. "Oh we've already used the bathroom if you want to go now." She smiles.

You nod and walk to the bathroom, you figure it's best if you use the bathroom first and do your skincare quickly and brush your teeth. You look in the mirror, surprisingly you don't look too tired and you're thankful for that. You go downstairs and start the filter coffee machine. You can hear Garcia waking up Morgan and laugh to yourself, even though you'd been called in it was a lovely night and you'd have loved to do it again. You wonder how back the emergency is if you needed to be woken up at 5am and groan to yourself.

Suddenly little bits of last night come to you, Reid's little flirty comments. The touching and you shake your head. Coffee and sugar first then you can worry about everything else.

You head upstairs and knock on the bedroom that belongs to Spencer. Hopefully he wakes up quickly as you weren't in the mood to be shouting this early.

"Reid! You awake? Come on wake up man! We have a case." you knock on the door again.

"I'm up! What time is it?" He asks, his voice is groggy and he sounds like he just wants to go back to sleep.

"5:25, I've got the coffee machine on. Do you have your go bag? Mine is at my place."

"Crap no, it's at mine." he exclaims and then groans. "I'm hungover." He moans and you giggle.

"Yeah that happens when you drink, come on or I'll have to come in and you don't want that!" you laugh back to him.

"I'll be down in 5 Y/N!" He replies, you can hear him shuffle about and head downstairs.

"Guys, me and Reid have our go bags at home. I have my badge but is it worth getting them? I'm assuming we'll be flying?"

"Yeah I don't know much yet but we do need our bags, we'll go in 30 and go by yours and Reid's okay" JJ replies while sipping a coffee. Even at half 5 she looks incredible.

You sit down on the chairs by the table and get out your make up bag, you pour yourself a coffee and quickly do some make up, you go for base, bronzer and blush with brows, mascara and you opt for your glasses today as you don't think you're going to be able to whack contacts in.

"Oh nerdy Y/N is here." Morgan appears at the bottom of the stairs while giggling. He's dressed in a black t shirt and smart trousers.

"Good morning to you too Morgan!" You say back. "I can't be bothered to put contacts in so this is what we're doing today." You take a sip of your coffee and put everything back into your bag.

For 5 minutes everyone is sipping coffee and just scrolling on their phones. It's a collective silence which everyone is understanding of.

"Can I borrow that mirror you have?" Spencer's voice breaks you out of your daydream while scrolling on social media. "I can't get my contact in either."

"Honestly I'd go for glasses and try again later, my eyes were so dry, you might find it's easier later once you've been awake for longer Reid." You sigh while handing him the mirror, most of the time you just put them in but it was annoying this morning.

Maybe one day? - Spencer Reid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now