Chapter 21

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"I'm here!" You pull up outside Spencer's apartment full of butterflies and you wait in your car for him.

"I'll be down in a minute." His voice is calm, soft and he hangs up the phone. You look at your self in the mirror and try to calm your nerves, you weren't sure why you had decided to ring him and invite him to stay over, in fact you were sure this wasn't a good idea but you wanted him, you really wanted him.

You'd met up like this before but not like this, not a late night booty call type thing. It was almost like it was wrong, which you guessed it actually was. You think back to your thought earlier, what Hotch would say if he knew about you both. You wondered if you'd have to transfer, would you need to keep  secret for long? You wren't very good at lying and you knew it wouldn't last long as you would hope but for now you try to brush the thoughts out of your head.

The leaves get swept around by the wind, it's pretty much pitch black outside being so late and in the middle of autumn meant that it was getting colder and colder each day. You look down at your legs, big t shirt, leggings and converse and you groan. This definitely wasn't going to get you laid.

"Hey." Spencer's voice comes out of no where and jump you slightly. "In your own thoughts?" You nod as he opens his car door. "Actually can I put this into your boot please?" You look up to see him holding a big bag which you assume has clothes in, you realise this meant that he wanted to stay the night and your mind shuffles to the state of your house, you hadn't cleaned up after Mira had left.

"Of course Reid, it's open." You say with a smile and look back at him as he walks around to the other side. He looks smarter than you do and secretly you wish you'd made more effort. He's wearing a jumper and skinny black jeans with also converse. You chuckle. "Do you want to get anything before going mine?" You shout out of the window.

"Can we go to that Museum? I know it's closed but maybe we could get a hot drink and walk past? I've always wanted to see it at night time, we don't have-"

"Reid, of course I'd love too. Honestly, you don't have to say that we don't have too. I'm interested in your interests." You wait for him to get into the car, he opens the door and gets in and suddenly all you can smell is him. He's wearing the aftershave you love on him, he looks incredible, you assume hes just showered as his hair looks washed, it's bouncier than usual but still neat.

"It's just most people get annoyed when I ramble or talk about nerdy things." He looks to you and smiles sadly after he speaks. You place a hand on his that is current;y resting on his thigh.

"I'm not most people Reid." You smile at him and squeeze his hand, you notice he's watching your every move and he leans forward slightly. He raises his hand to stroke your face softly and rings you closer. He kisses you, soft. You kiss back with the same energy and he grabs either side of your face and deepens kiss slightly.

"That's why I'm lucky." He says after pulling away. "Do you want to want to go through the drive through and then park up near the museum?"

"Yeah let's do that, that sounds really lovely actually, what do you fancy?" You ask as you drive off. "Are you staying mine tonight?" You needed to know, you hadn't asked him outright earlier to stay with you however you wanted him too, apart from that first night you hadn't stayed over together and you wanted him too. It wasn't even about the sex for you but the intmcy of hving someone close to you, of having Spencer close to you. The thought made you so happy.

"Just what I normally get and if that's okay? I should have asked really."

"No I want you too Spencer, trust me. I wouldn't have asked you to come out at this time of night if I didn't." You explain as you approach the coffee shop, it's dark. There's a slight chill but the sky isn't too cloudy, as you wait at the red light you notice that you can see a few stars, not many but there are some and it's beautiful.

Maybe one day? - Spencer Reid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now