chapter 1

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Clark's POV
People wonder why I want to marry a woman like Ruby. They see us as a non-traditional relationship because she mostly wears the pants in the relationship and she knows how to take control in the bedroom. I would proudly admit that I am in love with a dominant woman and I would proudly admit that I am her submissive soon-to-be husband. And after the night of the proposal, there is no way in hell I'm leaving her. And I don't mean it in a creepy possessive way.
End of POV
2 years later....
It was a busy Friday night at Moonshine for Ruby. The bar usually gets this crowded at this time of night. People hanging with their friends after work, celebrating birthdays, dealing with heartbreaks, finding new people to love, you name it. Moonshine had become a very special bar here in New York. It's becoming the talk of the town lately. And although Ruby would rather be at home spending time with Clark, she enjoys working there.

"Another round of cherry Jell-O shots for me and my girls!" A woman with a sparkly pink birthday sash said.

"Sure thing!" Ruby said.

She makes the Jell-O shots and hands them over to her and her friends and they cheer and remind everyone yet again that it's their friend's 21st birthday.

Ruby shakes her head and laughs. She may be a little older than them but she remembers her 21st birthday. 3 things came to mind. Vodka, wet T-shirt contest, and hookups. It was a wild one for her.

"Another one please..." A man said.

He was on his 4th beer. It had looked like he had just gotten out of a rough relationship. Ruby hands him another beer and leans over the counter.

"Hey, I know you'll find someone. It just takes some time. She just wasn't the right one for you." She said.

"But...I gave her everything. And she just leaves me like that." He said.

"Well moping around isn't gonna make things better. You need to move on just like she did." Ruby said.

"I know...but how?" He asked.

"Dude, you're in a bar on a Friday night. I know there are tons of single women in here."
Ruby said.

She scopes around the room and spots the birthday girl and her friends.

"You see those girls over there?" Ruby asked.

The man turns around and looks at them too.

"Yeah...what about them?" He asked.

Ruby takes out a bottle of champagne wrapped with a bow.

"Watch this," Ruby said.

She walks from behind the counter and approaches the birthday group at the lounging area.

"Hey ladies! Having a good time?" Ruby asked.

The ladies respond with cheers.

"Well, your night just got better," Ruby said as she hands them the bottle of champagne.

"A present?" The birthday girl asked.

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