18 ; school

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Im so sad because I can't concentrate
like, on anything

it's so hard to concentrate and I always get lost on thought without even realizing or meaning to it just happens

and I'm super forgetful and i just have such a hard time in school because i can't concentrate or remember things or pay attention and i literally don't know What's wrong with me

do any of you experience this or know what it is

oh, enjoy reading :> this song reminds me of zukaang haha

The day Zuko came back to school was two days after he had went to the doctor. He was wearing a sweat shirt and sweat pants, which gathered some looks, but what caught most people's eyes was the cuts and bruises on his face.

Since the rest of his skin was covered, it seemed to be the topic of conversation with everyone in the junior class.

Aang had to help Zuko put medication on his stitches between classes in the bathroom or it'd get infected. The rest of the small cuts had scabbed already, so there was nothing needed there.

Aang suggested covering the bruises with makeup, but neither of them had that, and it wouldn't have worked anyways.

"Don't press so hard," Zuko said.

"Sorry," Aang smiled, running his fingers along the thread. "You think the people that did this to you go to our school?"

Zuko thought for a moment. He knew one of them did. Just not the others. "No. Probably not."

Aang finished with the medication and threw the bottle into his bag. "Done. We got three minutes before next class starts."

"I'm tempted to skip class," Zuko rubbed his eyes with the heel of his palm. "I didn't sleep at all last night."

"Me neither," Aang sighed. "I'm fine, maybe you should get some sleep though."

"Yeah, good idea," He said, somewhat sarcastically. "I'll just lay down on thr bathroom floor."

"Well, you know where my house is,"  Aang said. "It's a lot closer than yours, and my parents aren't home until friday. I'm sure Iroh wouldn't want you skipping school."

"I would," Zuko said. "Go, I mean. But I don't... I don't want to walk. There. Alone, is what I'm saying."

"I can go," He offered. "With you."

The conversation was awkward, sure, but it got the point across. Zuko nodded, and they left together.

Aang returned to school after watching him fall asleep, which took only a few minutes. Aang liked how people looked when they were sleeping, and he also knew how creepy that sounded. But everyone looked so peaceful when they were asleep, almost like when somone dies.

Katara, Sokka, Toph, and Suki were all waiting for him when he got to the cafeteria.

"Where's Zuko?" Toph asked.

The rest of the table turned to see Aang walking towards them. Alone, which was a strange sight nowadays. Zuko and him were attatched at the hip it seemed.

"Maybe he got sick," Katara shrugged. "Who knows, who cares."

"I care," Aang smiled at her, setting his bag down. "I have really good hearing, in case you forgot."

Katara snorted a laugh, and shook her head. The rest of the lunch period went smoothly, but Aang felt like it was missing something. This was around the time when he and Zuko would start having a side conversation and then leave the table early to walk together. He missed it, and he couldn't wait for tomorrow.

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