22 ; Azula

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Mai dialed Azula's number. It rang twice before she answered, "Hello."

"I told him," Mai said. "That you're his sister."

"Half sister," Azuka corrected. "And, why are you telling me this?"

".....Because I thought you'd like to know?" She said incredulously. "You seriously don't care?"

"Why should I? It's not like I needed a big brother before," She sighed. "I'm plenty feared enough, I don't need him defending me."

"He wants to meet you," Mai said. She knew Zuko hadn't actually said that, but she thought it might help.

"Tell him I said hi," Azula droned. "And that I don't plan on meeting him."

Mai was about to speak, but heard Azula's father in the background. He was in the room, from what she could tell.

"Who are you talking to?" He asked.

"Mai, she wants me to go see my half brother," She said. "Can you believe the audacity?"

"Half brother....." Her father paused. "Oh, right. What was his name again?"

"Mai, I seemed to have forgotten, please remind me," Azula said.

"His name is Zuko," She said.

"It's Zuko," Azula repeated.

"Well, I think you should see this kid," Her father said. "Maybe it'd be good for you."

"What? No way," She jumped from her chair.

"I say yes," He said firmly.

"Yeah? Good luck getting me there!" She said, laughing.

Mai heard her father sigh loudly and leave the room, and then Azula hung up.

Zuko wanted to meet his sister. One, because he'd always wanted a sibling. Two, because he wanted to see the cause of his mother's death. He wondered what she looked like, and sounded like. Zuko thought about the other guy. What did he look like?

Aang elbowed him. "Snap out of it."

Zuko looked over and realized the teacher was standing right in front of him, asking a question.

"...What?" He asked.

"I said, are you okay?" She said.

"Yeah, uh, I'm fine?" He glanced around, everyone staring at him.

"Pay attention," She said, and returned to the front of the room.

"So? What were you thinking about?" Aang whispered.

"Nothing much," Zuko said quietly. "I've been distracted since Mai told me that shut about my parents."

"And is it true?" He asked.

"I asked my Uncle," He twisted his fingers together. "He... denied it, at first. Eventually he gave in, though. She used to go to this school."

"Are you mad at him?" Aang asked.

"Very much," Zuko's eyes glinted with anger. "He knew. He knew all this time."

"He was probably just trying to protect you," Aang said. "I'm sure he just forgot or something..."

"You don't forget something like that," He leaned back in his chair, looking forward. Aang took that as the end of their conversation.

Katara and Sokka sat with them at lunch that day, Suki was out sick. Zuko had his head in his hands, sometimes looking up at the mention of his name.

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