I Know Where You Go

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I have no self control. Once the idea was in my head I started typing and here is what we have so far. If it sounds good I shall continue if not this will join my graveyard of awful ideas. Let me know please! Loves!!


In. Out. Breathe and keep calm. If they can't hear you or see you then they don't know you're here. Hiding up in the ceiling really was necessary. I don't care if it pisses everyone off. They want the information, they want to be able to get rid of these people well then stop bitching and let me do my job!

I watch as Volto and his accomplices eat dinner and plan their next move. They know that the Academy is onto them; they just don't know that I'm already here. I've been a part of the secret organization that's whole mission is to help people for years now. Phil rescued me from the streets after I ran away from home at 14.

Father had just left us for his other family and the one I thought was my mother had upped her punishments. If I didn't leave I would be dead. As soon as I found all of the documents stating what happened at my birth I bolted and haven't returned. It's funny how something so mundane as cleaning a filing cabinet can change your life. The only thing I don't know is the name of my birth mother. That's about to change though.

Volto and I have been in contact for months now. He doesn't know what organization I belong to but he knows who my mother is. Unfortunately for me I'm blood related to the asshole who torments people for fun so the minute we apprehend him I can find out who my mother is.

Phil fought me about taking this mission. He thinks I'll let my emotions cloud my judgment. In my 7 years here I have never once given him a reason to doubt me so I was a little hurt and took the mission to prove him wrong. I need to show him that I am just as capable when it's personal as when it's not. The thing he doesn't realize, and why he fought me so hard, is that all of my missions are personal.

As a ghost I get sent into a lot of shit and most of it I've had experience with in the past. Everything I see is personal because I take assholes hurting people personally. I refuse to let anyone that I can help suffer anything that I've had to. That's just not the way my brain works.

I focus on Volto more closely now that everyone is done eating. Here's where the real fun happens. Alright fuckers let's see what damage I can do to you tonight. I think with a smirk. A staticy sound starts in my ear and I know that Phil finally realized where I was. "Young lady we are going to have a talk when you get back from this mission about what the words 'Proper Authority" mean because you obviously don't know. I told you to not take this mission but do you listen? Noooo of course not. Why is that? Hmm, do you have a death wish? Some magical powers I don't know about or here's my favorite. Do you just want to send me to an early grave?! I swear-" I cut him off with a slight sound.

"Phil, doll as much as I love our little talks. I'm a little busy and cannot respond in kind so please shut your trap that way I can finish and go eat. I'm hungry." I hear him growl lightly on the other end of the comms unit. Phil is the father figure I never had and I love him, I do but it's so much fun to mess with him.

Luckily, he listens to me. As much as he hates it Phil knows what I'm capable of and that tonight's mission is dangerous. I adjust myself on the beam slightly so that the camera I'm wearing can see the screen Vman has pulled up. Looks like I have all the info I need for tonight. I know when and where the next drop is and we can be there. This one is special and Volto is supposed to be there personally so I guess we'll see if he follows through.

I slowly make my way back towards the vent I used to get to the beams. Once I'm out of the building I make the mile run to where I parked my bike in the woods and head back to the hospital where Phil will be. Tonight is definitely a pie kind of night and this hospital has some good pie.

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