Files, Files, Files

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I hope you guys are ready for an information overload. Does this change your team predictions? Enjoy please. Loves!!


*File from two years ago*

Owen Blackbourne- Team Lead, 20, no living blood family, Academy since 11.

Sean Green- Former Family Lead, 20, two living adoptive parents, Academy since 10.

Dakota 'Kota' Lee- Family Lead, 17, two living blood parents (one incarcerated) and living blood sister, Academy since 9.

North Taylor- 18, one living step-parent (incarcerated), one living step-brother, one living step-uncle, Academy since 11.

Nathan Griffin- 17, one living blood parent one unknown blood parent, Academy since 9.

Victor Morgan- 17, two living blood parents, Academy since 9.

Silas Korba- 17, one living blood parent, one living blood brother, Academy since 11.

Gabriel Coleman- 17, one living step-parent, Academy since 9.

Lucian 'Luke' Taylor- 17, one living blood parent (incarcerated), one living blood uncle, one living step-brother, Academy since 9.

Mission: Locate the missing money from Ashley Waters Highschool and discover where the drugs are entering from.

O.B. Report-

The problems here are vast. We suspect that the principal and superintendent are working with an outside source to reroute the missing funds. More information to come.

S.G. Report-

The levels of drug and violent activity are high. My team may be in danger if people decide to join forces. Possible back-up needed.

Kota Lee arrived at the emergency room with a broken arm. Nathan Griffin arrived at his monthly check up with two broken fingers. North Taylor has been drugged. Minor injuries have been found on all team members.

K.L. Report-

With family issues as well as the school mission team members are losing morale. Request for two week vacation for the entire team.

Two Week Vacation Granted. No Cost.

N.T. Report-

Leadership is being called into question. Information that should have been given was not. Mistakes are being made. We may need to abort.

N.G. Report-

Requesting leave of absence after mission completion.

Leave of Absence Request Pending.

V.M. Report-

Our technology has been compromised. Nothing is safe and trust is nonexistent between ourselves and the outside world. Tensions are running very high. Mission may need abandoned.

S.K. Report-

Trust needs to be re-established between leadership and the rest of the team. Things are dangerous and information is not being shared.

G.C. Report-

Request to abort mission before completion.

L.T. Report-

The team is breaking apart. We need to leave this mission before our family has irreparable damage inflicted within. Request to abort mission before completion.

Blackbourne Team has been pulled from the AW mission. Turn over all findings to the police.

Family counseling is not helping. Too much damage was done. The Blackbourne team has been dissolved into various smaller teams. One member has chosen not to join another team and will be solo.

*Blackbourne Team Family History*

Owen Blackbourne- Father killed mother and himself, unclear where Owen was at the time. Brought in by Phil Roberts (42 at time).

Sean Green- Abandoned at hospital as an infant where he was then adopted. Became a doctor at the age of 18 after much pushing from adoptive family and encouragement from chosen family. Brought in by Phil Roberts (41 at time).

Dakota 'Kota' Lee- Abuse from father. Dakota was the focus and target of most even with mother attempting to discourage. Abuser arrested after mother almost lost her life in an attack. Brought in by Owen Blackbourne (12) and Sean Green (12).

Nathan Griffin- Mother ran off after years of abuse at hands of father. Father turned attention to Nathan. Working overseas for extended periods of time under heavy surveillance. Brought in by Owen Blackbourne (12) and Sean Green (12).

Gabriel Coleman- Mother and brother killed in a drunk driving accident caused by father. Father abused Gabriel until he also died in a drunk driving accident caused by himself. Under the care of step-mother. Brought in by Owen Blackbourne (12) and Sean Green (12).

Victor Morgan- Continued abuse from both parents as well as pressure to perform for crowds. Has been performing since age 3. Brought in by Owen Blackbourne (12) and Sean Green (12).

Luke Taylor- Left with uncle at age two. Mother found dead one year later. Father overseas. Brought in by Owen Blackbourne (12) and Sean Green (12).

Silas Korba- Grew up in Greece. Mother killed in church fire caused by brother. Relocated to the U.S. after North Taylor was contacted. Brought in by Owen Blackbourne (14) and Sean Green (14).

North Taylor- Grew up in the military. Mother passed at age 8. Left in care of abusive step-father. Relocated to the U.S. one year after step-uncle became aware of existence and contacted Academy. Refused to leave until Silas Korba was established in the U.S. Brought in by Owen Blackbourne (14) and Sean Green (14).

Just as I'm about to start going through the individual team files my systems get a hit on Mallory Jones. One known living relative, a sister named Lily Jones. She is a member of the Anderson team. No wonder Liam didn't want me to contact him directly. If the woman he loves is the sister of the person who might be my mother that means she would be my aunt.

I start digging into Lily's history and almost lose my dinner. The things she went through are insane! When I find her parents I begin tracing the rest of the family tree. I pause on one name though. A second cousin by the name of John Sorenson. Otherwise known as my father. I feel my face pale as I grab my phone.

My step-mother always said my mother was related to my father but I never imagined she was telling the truth. With the size of the family tree it just didn't make sense to search everyone when I didn't believe her. With a deep breath I dial Lynus. I need to talk to Liam.


Lynus: Burrito

Sang: Willow

Lynus: I'm surprised to be hearing from you so soon. It's not even been a whole day yet.

Sang: I might have found something. I need to speak to Liam.

Lynus: If you'd like you can come to his house in a few hours. Most of his family will be gone then. I assume you know the way?

Sang: I'll be there. Thank you.

Lynus: Anything, anytime Sang. Anytime.

*End Call*

With that call over I decide to catch a short nap. I've been awake all night and I have a feeling I'm going to need all of my brain power soon. Not only with the possible finding of my birth mother but also this broken family.

Something went wrong two years ago and now I need to help fix it. Uncle and the Academy are counting on me. As I drift off I finally make the connection as to why this mission means so much to him. These are his nephews. This is his family.

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