Here I Come

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I know this is a bit shorter but eh. I hope you enjoy. *smirks in evil author* Loves!! Hehe


I watch Owen disappear down the hall with lead in my bones. The man I just spent time with is not the same one who built the best team in the Academy. He was not the same man responsible for putting this hospital together. His dark hair looks slightly messy and his eyes glassy. I tried to ignore it but the smell of alcohol clung to his skin. During his retelling Owen's voice kept cutting in and out. There are probably details I missed but I understand the basics. The pain this team went through breaks my heart. Pulling out my phone I quickly dial Phil.


Phil: Hello little bird.

Sang: I'm taking the night off. I just- I just found out part of what happened.

Phil: Can you tell me about it?

Sang: Not yet. I will say that if you know someone who Owen Blackbourne trusts you need to send that person to him tonight. Honestly they need to be there for the foreseeable future.

Phil: I'll see what I can do little bird. We'll set up surveillance on him now.

Sang: I'll talk to you tomorrow Phil.

*End Call*

Shaking my mind free I try and think past the rock in my stomach. I can't focus on anything right now. I'm so out of it that I barely turn in time to see Sean coming up behind me. His green eyes do a quick pass over me before meeting my own. An easy grin flits across his kind face. "You really are always here aren't you?" Forcing a smile onto my own face I wink to the flirty doctor.

"Of course I am. Though I'm getting ready to leave."

A sparkle crosses his eyes just as Sean reaches my side.

"Well it just so happens I am also on my way out. May I walk with you?"


We walk silently side by side through the lobby. It's comfortable and definitely something I wish I could get used to. Just as we're about to exit the building though Phil shouts for Sean. A look of shock crosses his face as Sean quickly faces his old mentor. "What can I do for you Phil?" Cutting his gaze to me Phil schools his features into a pleasant smile.

"Sean. I NEED you to go by Owen's." Sean tenses slightly before shutting down all facial expressions.

"You know I can't do that." The ice now present in his voice chills the air a good five degrees.

"I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't important. I need your team and him on an assignment. We need his connections and Luke's skills."

"Luke. Is on. Leave." Just as quickly the ice leaves his voice and a burning rage fills it.

I cut in before things can get too heated. "Phil, what's the mission." He shoots me a confused look. I know I said I had the night off but if it's urgent. If I can help. I will.

"You have the night off Sang."

"What is the mission Phil?"

He lets out a small sigh and shakes his head. "Little bird you could probably handle it but I don't want you to." I level him with a state until Phil looks away. "We need information from a building on the south end. Owen has contacts in the area but I know you do as well." Something about that brushes my memory. "Sang I really don't think you should be involved." Everything clicks into place then.

"It's Volto isn't it." He lets out a forlorned sigh and nods slightly. "Send me the file. This mission is mine. I don't want the damn favors." With a sad look Phil turns to leave muttering for me to be careful the whole way.

My hands start to shake slightly as I stare after him. Sean's confused look has me closing my eyes to focus on calming my racing pulse. "Are you okay?" Not even a little bit. I nod my head once. I'll be fine as soon as I nail this asshole. When my phone dings with the mission file I snap my eyes open and turn to leave. Shooting a quick smirk to Sean I leave to get ready. I've been fighting this bastard for years, maybe tonight will give me the edge I need.

The drive home is a blur and I know this isn't good but I don't care. Before I was given my current assignment with the fractured family I took one without Phil's okay to try and get more information on Volto. This was right before I met the Tomas and vefore I knew about Lynus. Unfortunately the team sent to apprehend him at the location set for a drop off failed. Volto never showed up. I don't want him to escape me again. This bastard is the reason he's dead. Here I come bitch.

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