(47)Barcelona beaches, Spain

53 7 43

Day 72

Oceans, seas, and any water-filled hole with a depth more than my height, horrifies me. I hate ships, cruises, and yachts, for floating on these surfaces, and the uncertainty it brings along with itself. And now, I'm stuck on one of these.

With a sigh, I plop down on the bed. At least Adrien's been kind enough to give me a room all to myself on his yacht. I rub my temples, hoping to reduce my head's throbbing.

We woke up early, resulting in two hours of not so comfortable sleep for me.

It was a challenge to wake Adrien up, so I took the easy way. I called Arianna and Dylan and left the responsibility to them while I showered.

The six hours train ride was boring. For the first time in months, I was an outcast again. Even around Arianna, Dylan, and Adrien. But maybe that's because I had got used to having Adrien at my side from Berlin onwards, binge-watching movies or series while traveling.

I also knew it was pathetic to feel lonely between thirteen other people. It was obvious Adrien would prefer to spend his time with his friends, rather than me. The same goes for Arianna and Dylan. I shouldn't view it negatively, as though I'm left out. Perhaps it's a side effect of the previous night's thoughts, including the not nearly enough hours of sleep.

At least one thing is clear, last night confirmed how much Adrien likes Sophia. In fact, now I'm convinced he mistook me for her. They've been inseparable since morning. I hope they can work out their problem.

The rest of the gang ensured to not let Arianna and Dylan even get the chance to spare a glance at me. Jeffry's been so far ignoring me, except for the occasional glares, nothing I haven't been through before.

I remove my glasses and spread the sunscreen over all the exposed parts of my skin before I push myself off of the bed; I don't want them to think I'm weak and hiding, or avoiding them. If they spare a thought over me.

I pick up my iPad and shove my phone into my pocket before picking up my sunglasses and hat. Hesitantly I make my way to the stairs and climb them. Their laughter ringing in the salty air, pierces my ears.

I reach the main hall and glance back at the captain's cabin. Shifting my weight from one foot to the other with uncertainty. I'm not wanted there.

Yes, I will hate myself for being a coward and hiding in a room, but no one will notice my absence.

I retreat, chewing on my bottom lip, and decide to return to where I came from. Before I get the chance to spin, the glass doors slide open. Adrien walks in and descends the four stairs. He glances back as the door slides shut, faces me, and takes off his sunglasses.

Last night's incident comes rushing back into my mind. The way he looked at me. Held me. How his lips felt on mine. I draw a sharp breath and blink a few times, and shove the memory into the back of my head. Guess I have to avoid looking at his face now.

With furrowed brows he asks, "Is everything alright?"

I nod. He continues, not waiting for me to utter a word. "If the room is not fine I can talk to the captain to exchange his cabin with yours,"

"It's fine," I tell him.

He nods and we fall into silence. Uncertain, he takes a step towards me, hanging his sunglasses from the collar of his shit. I hug my things closer to myself. His eyes wander before fixing on my face.

He rubs the nape of his neck, pushing one hand into his shorts' pocket. "I didn't have the chance to explain last night, I-" he starts, but I interrupt him.

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