Chapter 35

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"I'm going to tell Wildwood everything," Theresa announced the moment she woke up and saw her sister. The sun was streaming in through the window.

Daphne was already awake and dressing for the day. She was fiddling with the folds of her dress. "Sounds fine," she agreed without any apparent interest.

Theresa was instantly exasperated. "Sounds fine?" she repeated. Did Daphne not realize the import of the statement? "Did you even hear me?"

Daphne looked over. "Yes, and it does sound fine."

"I'm talking about all our secrets, Daphne," Theresa pointed out, shocked at Daphne's cavalier attitude.

"We barely have any left, anyway."

"Because you can't keep your mouth shut," Theresa muttered.

Daphne apparently heard because her brow furrowed. "I've always thought that we should trust them."

"Why would you think that?" Theresa asked with a frown.

"Because the Wizard Jim sent us to them."

"Well, why would you trust him?" Theresa asked.

"Because he helped us," she explained.

Theresa rolled her eyes at Daphne's lack of logic. "That doesn't mean that he did not have ulterior motives. You can't trust just anyone."

Daphne seemed to be wondering whether it was worth it to argue with her, which annoyed Theresa to no end.

Apparently it was worth arguing, because Daphne spoke again. "We had to trust the wizard that you wanted to find in the first place. Besides, Sir Thomas told me last night that they had figured most of it out on their own, especially once Aunt Francine was here."

Theresa rolled her eyes. "Well, we are trusting them now, so you should be happy," Theresa muttered.

"It's about time. Things will be a lot easier if I don't have to watch what I say around Sir Thomas. It's been a great bother," Daphne said. "He's always talking about his family and his past and I haven't been able to tell him anything about mine."

"I'm so happy it'll make your life easier," Theresa said sarcastically. "I just hope that this doesn't end badly."

"You're far too suspicious of everyone and everything."

"You're far too trusting."

"It's better than being paranoid."

"Paranoia has kept us alive," Theresa snapped.

"Really? Name one time," Daphne shot back.

Theresa scowled. Daphne never used to fight back so much. "It clearly kept us alive every time, or else we wouldn't be here to argue about it."

Daphne laughed lightly and Theresa was annoyed.

"Oh, wait! At the inn, we escaped because I was suspicious about the men gathering outside! Ha!"

Daphne chuckled lightly. "Well, that is one time. Perhaps you are right in part."

Theresa was indeed correct, but it was also annoying that Daphne was not entirely wrong. Everyone who had helped them so far had done so because Daphne wanted to trust people.

Of course, that was all fine and wonderful when one had a personality which turned people into willing devotees wherever one wandered.

Other mere mortals had to rely on using their brains rather than wandering around in a trusting haze.

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