𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 16

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The next day~

Jungkook woke up early and immediately grabbed his phone to text tae. The text all are about jungkook apologising again and again.

He then sighed minutes later cause tae just let him on seen. He thought he needed some help so he called jimin.

(bold - jimin, italic - jungkook)

On the phone~


Hyung! I need your help

Oh jkkkkk~ what do you want me to help you?

I kept on texting tae but he just left me on seen...

Aish that boy, I guess he's still mad

Can you convince him to forgive me?

I don't know tae's really stubborn...but I'll try

Oh okay...

If it didn't work out how about giving him strawberries? He loves them

*whisper* I know he loves strawberries...

Wait how did you know?

AH! I mean yeah he loves strawberries so the plan work?

Hmm...okay then good luck kook

Thanks again hyung!


Call ended ~

Jungkook immediately do his morning routine quickly so that he could by strawberries at a store nearby.

After that he grabbed his stuff and walked out. He then started running really fast so he could be on time on tae's front door.

After buying he ranned back, now in tae's front door. He panted as he checked the time its almost time so he fixed himself and right on que the door opened.

Jungkook saw tae's expression when tae saw him. Its an angry expression, it broke his heart but he just ignored it and continued forward.

Besides what seojoon said to him yesterday makes him to continue and move forward.

"jungkook please just leave me alone" tae said, clearly annoyed.

Jungkook frowned as tae started to walk past him but he immediately grabbed tae's arm. Tae looked at him while jungkook is giving him a pout.

"I'm sorry about yesterday my love...im just jealous that you love him than me" jungkook said trying to sweet talk tae but tae sighed.

"I don't know jungkook"

"please?" jungkook tried on a cute face since no one can resist his cute face.

"fine" jungkook beamed up and immediately hugged tae. He can smell tae's perfume of strawberries.

Jungkook couldn't believe it, tae accepted his apology. He's so happy that he wants to jump around but he doesn't want to be embarrassed.

"thank you my love" jungkook said smiling happily on tae's neck but then tae broke the hug.

"don't call me that" jungkook smiled as he nodded.

"okay ill just call you tae" they started to walk but jungkook remembered that he have to give his strawberries.

"oh and I have something for you, here" jungkook saw tae's face lit up and how he immediately grabbed the strawberries.

"how did you know I like strawberries?" tae raised his eyebrow, jungkook started to get nervous.

love Potion | taekook | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now