𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 21

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'Kook c'mere'

'you don't have to worry kookie baby'

'i' ll make you feel good'

'aaghhhh~ daddy, f-feels so good'

"TAE!" jungkook woke up and sat up, processing his dream earlier. He ruffled his hair, completely irritated that he's really a pervert.

'but that was a good dream tho...NO don't get excited jungkook, stay focused'

Jungkook slapped himself, trying to clear his mind. He suddenly felt no one beside him. He looked and saw tae isn't there anymore.

He ran and looked around the house, he's not in the  in the living room, bathroom. This is worrying Jungkook.

'Did he get uncomfortable with me??'

The next thing he checked is the kitchen, he saw a note on the counter so he picked it up.

The note says: "sorry I have to leave early kook, I'll make it up to you next time, don't forget to eat breakfast, -tae"

Jungkook's dissapointed that he have to leave early, he was about to make a feast for tae even though its just breakfast.

What impresses jungkook is taes handwriting, he thought his handwriting is beautiful.

'add it to my collection...not in the creepy way tho'

He went back to his bedroom, he put the note on his drawer and grabbed his phone so that he can call tae.

Of course tae answered, all throughout the call jungkook sounds dissapointed that he left early but tae couldn't tell.

"I was about to head to school, I was expecting for you to be ready by now" (tae on the phone)

Jungkook freezed 'there is school today?!'

Wait what?! What day is it today? (jungkook on the phone)

Uh Monday? Didn't you know? (tae on the phone)

Thats the moment he knew, he fucked up

Goodbye! Muah Muah, hugs and kisses love you!(jungkook on the phone)

Jungkook bid goodbye quickly cause he needs to get ready. He hasn't took a bath yet nor eat breakfast.

He ran to the bath and took a quick shower, gushing all the shampoo on his head so he smells good for tae.
He wants to impress tae even though he's kinda late.

He dried himself with a towel, he then opened his closet. He was about to grab pastel colored clothes but he then remembered something.

"you look more handsome without it and show your forehead a bit" he moved jungkook's bangs to show his forehead a lil bit.

Oh how he missed that moment. The look on tae's face as he moved jungkook's bangs, jungkook staring at him adoringly.

"how about you stop wearing the colorful ones?"

Jungkook's hand stopped midway, he grabbed the black ones instead. As much as he hates attention, he doesn't want to make tae worry.

He quickly wore them, grabbed his stuff and heads out. He rode his motorcycle to school.


He arrived at school, he removed his helmet and looked at the doors. He took a deep breath.

love Potion | taekook | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now