Chapter Five

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POV: San

First Yunho, and now this? What a day.

San felt like he should've never left the bed or Kuma, and regretted choosing to come here in the end.

San studied the man who just accused him, his face red with fury, his lips twitching also because of fury. San was quite good with names and faces, he was the type who'd remember the smallest details, but he had no idea who he was.

"May I help you?" San asked casually.

"You fucking turned my best friend gay! What's wrong with you? Just enjoy your homo life with the kinds of you, instead of infecting innocent ones!" the man was yelling from his lungs, almost beating the sound of blasting music.

San didn't know the man, and didn't know who his best friend was. What he did know was that he had never done anything out of another's consent, and did not even go hunting for straight men. Why should he go through such trouble if he had plenty in his pond?

San chuckled playfully. "You sound jealous. Are you sure he was your best friend? Not your crush?"

Just when everyone thought he couldn't be angrier, his entire face shot red, nerves popping out.

Jackpot. San smirked internally.

Although his brain had an upper hand, San wasn't prepared for another furious launch. He lost balance and fell on his backside. The man grabbed the sitting San's collar madly. The spectators half worried, half amused felt things were getting out of hand, as some girls let out a small scream.


San frowned at the guy's spit showered his face. And that was all he cared for. San should've been mad or hurt with such vulgar words, but he had already gone through plenty of homophobic reactions and slurs that he had sadly grown immune to them.

Maybe he needed to get punched once or twice for the guy to calm down and feel satisfied, San sighed. When he almost accepted his faith so that things would end quickly, another figure budged in.

"Put your fucking hands away from him," he growled.

San looked up at the owner of the command, the blonde man now at the front of the crowd glaring at the guy grabbing San. It was none other than Wooyoung.

"Or else what?" The guy challenged, not releasing San but instead provoking Wooyoung by pulling San up by his collar.

San could see how Wooyoung's blood shot up his brain in a flash, but only briefly before the guy in front of him was smacked away with Wooyoung's tenacious fist. San blew a whistle looking at the end result of a man rolling on the floor, cupping his bruised cheek.

"Growing your disgusting ego big doesn't compensate for your small dick," Wooyoung spat, gaining a cheer from the crowd.

Encountering such embarrassment, the man stood up trying to lounge back at Wooyoung, which was halted by a loud order.


Everyone in the crowd turned their head, some moving away creating a passage for the one and only, Kim Hongjoong. Hongjoong stood in front of the guy, his figure smaller than the other but his aura overwhelmingly intimidating.

"I don't tolerate bullshits in my house. LEAVE. NOW. And never step in this house again."

Hongjoong's stern voice left no room for argument. Multiplied by the disturbed atmosphere coming from the surrounding, the guy had no choice. He shamelessly glared at San and Wooyoung one last time before he scurried away.

"Thanks Wooyoung," San patted the man who was still glaring at the guy who left, seemingly having a hard time to ease his anger.

"I'll kill him if he ever lays a finger on you again," he fumed. "Why aren't you mad? Why did you let that bastard do as he pleased?"

San blinked, and answered simply, "I'm just too used to it," as if he had given up on everything.

The answer seemed to infuse another spark of anger in Wooyoung. "You're not supposed to get used to shits like that! You don't deserve it."

Something warm sparked in San's heart. He truly was too used to facing shits like that, and dealt with them single-handedly. To see someone display his raw emotions so purely on his behalf was not what he had experienced.

"Thanks, Woo," he repeated, emphasising his name fondly.

Wooyoung looked startled having called his nickname by San for the first time. It perhaps sounded too friendly for the roommates of two months, but he didn't protest.

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