Chapter Twenty Nine

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POV: Wooyoung

Wooyoung thought he heard it somewhere that alcohol can keep you dehydrated. But he didn't have a drink tonight, and no, he wasn't thirsty. But he suddenly felt like he needed a bucket of water. And even that would probably keep him parched.

Sat on the edge of the bed, he could only swallow his pooled saliva down his throat in substitute, as he goggled at the implausible sight of someone's head buried between his thighs. His thigh muscles contracted in reflex as the raven-haired male imprisoned in his legs reached for his belt.

"Relax," chuckled San, his booze-affected half-lidded eyes sesually glancing up at Wooyoung through his black strands dangerously draping on his forehead, a little too suggestively disordered for Wooyoung to not imagine.

Oh, and you tell me to relax?

He unbuckled easily, zipping down his jeans in that practiced manner without hesitation that made Wooyoung feel twisted, frowning in bitterness. But when his fingers hooked on the rubber of his boxers, all those feelings were washed out by a tsunami of panic.

"Realx," San soothed again. "Blowing won't be any different with a dude or dudette. Just close your eyes and imagine the hottest Venus sucking you, good?"

Not good.

Why would I do that?

Those words almost rolled out of his tongue carelessly.

Why would he, really, if he had the hottest, appallingly gorgeous and dauntingly attractive man—San—doing the service? He wouldn't want it any other way.

Taking Wooyoung raking San's head gingerly as a green light, he put a little force on the hook, pulling it down to greet his heated elation.

Wooyoung felt embarrassed. He wasn't inexperienced, but having San look at him like that had him wincing, insecurity coiling up in his gut.

Shit, why didn't I down one or two drinks, or even ten?

His mind was too awake to deal with this.

His useless thoughts shivered out as he felt a raw breath on his flashed skin. A flinch in reflex was unavoidable when San reached for his length and kissed the tip, his thick fingers lightly brushing it up and down.

That feeling in itself sent tingles down his spine, automatically closing his eyes as he sighed. Not for too long, though.

He shot his eyes open at the moist and warm feeling embracing his shaft and he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Sure, he knew what was coming but this very view of the gorgeous man swallowing his length, careful not to scrape a tooth on his most sensitive organ, skilfully teasing him as he moved vertically had him and he almost reached his end with just this. The view. Too alluring, too solid, too erotic.

Fucking hell.

And it got worse—or exceptional, with how good he was. His tongue traced down along the bulging veins, and his hollow of mouth enclosed tighter as he bobbed up, as if to suck out every juice he milked out. The depth he went in was unimaginable, taking in every inch of his length almost reaching his deep throat, which made Wooyoung worry he might choke for a split second before he's flooded with another wave of pleasure.

Wooyoung could only throw his head back, letting out a breathy moan. Now and then, he stole a glance of how San was working his magical ways sucking him off on cloud nine, and he still failed to register how this was all real.

The one he so loved is licking his dick that is growing in mass and firmness, meticulously from its head to the base like it was some delicious candy, drinking every precum like it was an expensive champagne, gripping on the solidness as if it were his most valuable trophy.

Wooyoung brushed his fingers through a further disheveled hair of the man, a little more clumsily than before, not being able to control the wave of pleasure weakening every joints of his.

Going against what San suggested, he tried his best to keep his eyes open (except for those oftentimes he just couldn't help contain ecstasy), to confirm it was none other than San. But San, however, not once looked up, keeping his eyes almost shut the whole time. It looked like who he was blowing didn't matter, as long as there was a cock, perhaps adding him to the list of his fuck buddies—and Wooyoung hated that.

"S-San-" he managed to gasp out through his uncontrollable whimpers, and the raven-haired male finally raised his head, locking his midnight eyes with his.


He was.

Like a spell casted, he shivered under the gaze and released his swelled up desire surrendering to the one last ruthless sucking. Wooyoung groaned and through his hazy mind, he saw the man who had just gifted him with immense pleasure swallowing the content with ease.

"What the- spit it out!" yelled Wooyoung in horror, to which San smiled innocently, "It's all gone."

He also did as much as open his mouth to prove, and it was gone, only a few streaks of white thick fluid lazily lingering on his tongue. And the view was just too much to handle.

Choi San saw no end in cornering him.

Huffing in disbelief, he noticed San's compressed bulge in his jeans. Feeling the joy that he was excited too, Wooyoung directed his hand to the other's jeans but it was stopped in the middle by a hand on his wrist.

"You don't have to," San said calmly. "I know you're straight. I can take care of this myself."

He then stood up a little wobbly on his knees as alcohol lingered stubbornly in his body, headed out saying, "I'll go wash myself."

The ebony haired man slipped out of the door like a shadow, the door closing silently as if everything was a dream.


Even though I believe this is a smut, it is a really bad one lmaooo

Double update as promised! :D

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