Chapter Six

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POV: San

"Yo, come join truth or dare!" Hongjoong called the two from the sofa, surrounding a circular table settled with few other people. The party was already back to normal. The tendency of the youths quickly attracted to bloody events, then forget it as if it never happened, proven.

The two boys approached the table, San opening his mouth in sarcasm. "Truth or dare? Aren't you too old to be involved in teen's game?"

Hongjoong frowned in disagreement. "Do not put an age limit on anything, young man. We are never too old to do something."

San guessed that the offer was because either Hongjoong was trying to subside the earlier disturbing event and let San and Wooyoung have some fun, or he simply was just bored, to which he obliged.

San sat next to Yeosang, who happened to be a participant of Hongjoong's game, and Wooyoung opposite them.

"Are...are you okay?" Yeosang asked worriedly.

"Yes, thanks," San smiled in response.

The game was quite chilling and enjoyable, the bottle spinning in the middle to name the victim, one of it being Wooyoung dared to pole dance for a minute on an imaginary pole. He succeeded in making the table guffaw, saved from gulping a drink for an unimpressive answer or result. Everyone was fairly drunk when the head of the bottle stopped in front of Yeosang.

"Truth or dare?"


"What do most people think is true about you, but isn't?"

Yeosang consumed the question with his half-lidded eyes.

"That I'm blunt and straightforward, giving opinions to people, while I'm the most stupid coward who keeps things hidden," he slurred on the unexpected answer.

Wooyoung, who was also tipsy, stared at his friend of six years, squinting his eyes, probably clueless of his friend's confession.

The group tried to lure more information out of him, but Yeosang adamantly refused by sealing his eyes and mouth completely. The next target was, "San!" Hongjoong called out excitedly.

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare," he answered immediately.

One girl from the circle dared, "kiss someone who you think is the most attractive in this room!"

Some fussed that the dare was too easy on him, but most people were eager to see who he'd choose and to see him kiss right in front of their eyes. Following the girl's suggestion, San lazily scanned through the room for any probable candidate, until his eyes finally landed on the one opposite him.

"Jung Wooyoung," he smiled teasingly. San could hear the group gasp, and feel Yeosang's sleepy eyes shooting them wide open. The mentioned boy, too, was glued to San's smirk in widened eyes.

Although he did look around the room playfully, just for entertainment purposes, there was only one person in his mind the moment the dare was posed. The man who stood up for him against a taller guy. The man who'd be mad for his behalf, when he himself had given up on undeserved mistreatment. The man who was genuine, strong and foolishly honest—Jung Wooyoung was the hero of the night.

The bystanders gulped as San approached the desired man. San's challenging smirk stayed while he walked over leisurely, noticing Wooyoung growing stiffer. He leaned down the now wooden man, placing his hands gently on the curve of his neck.

"S-San...," Wooyoung stumbled on his words hoarsely, flustered to have the alluring man's face within his breath, his eyes locked.

"You're my hero," San whispered, closing the smallest gap they had in between.

The crowd squealed while Hongjoong rolled his eyes, Yeosang clenching his fist.

While most people would close their eyes at such moments, Wooyoung shot his eyes open at the feeling. Which was soon met by San withdrawing, his lips curved up playfully. None of the people around noticed, but San only kissed Wooyoung's chin. Even though Wooyoung proved to not be homophobic, he wasn't gay, and San didn't want to force him anything, thus the chin.

With successfully fooling the crowd (and to be fair, they never mentioned where to kiss), San was about to leave if not caught by the force pulling him back.

"Woah," the spectators sighed, and San would've too if his mouth wasn't covered with Wooyoung's. One hand pulling San's arm closely, another hand on his cheek, Wooyoung savoured San's lips, which, after a few seconds, San followed passionately.

The temperature between the two shot up, breath intertwined reeking of alcohol as they hungrily savoured the other's lips. It was the world of two, as if everybody else had disappeared.

No sex. No falling in love.

But who said no kissing?

They both weren't as ignorant to think kissing would develop a relationship. It was just a game—right?

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