Chapter Twenty Eight

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POV: Wooyoung

Great. Fucking great.

Briskly walking down the street, Wooyoung cursed at his misfortune.

As soon as he got the invite from Hongjoong, a possibility of seeing San, he resolved to be there right at the moment Kim's door was ready to welcome a stranger. But his coworker at the part time job decided that it was that exact day he'd fall ill, leaving his portion of work to Wooyoung; resulting in being two bloody hours late to the party.

The two hour old party was already a mayhem, people sprawling on the ground as they wished, wasted, some of them tangling their bodies establishing a private room in their buzzed minds, amongst the loud chatters and laughs and yells, came an odour of alcohol, mixed with sweat and perfumes.

The Wooyoung before would hop right in the scene and would be happy to be one of them in half an hour, but he only had an eye for one person right now—San.

Scanning in the dark room, he didn't find that one person instead found the owner of the house.

"Hey," approached Wooyoung.

"Oh, hey, Woo...young? You made it," replied Hongjoong with a friendly smile.

"Yeah, thanks for the invite," he yelled, trying to not let the loud music beat his voice. "Do you know where San is?"

Hongjoong pursed his lips and looked around briefly before replying, "no, I'm sorry. But he should be around."


As Wooyoung was about to leave to hit other areas of the house, Hongjoong warned, "he could be pretty drunk, so be careful."


"That's what he does when he's pissed," he shrugged, soon getting back to his DJ booth, joining the red haired male.

He searched for all public places; living room, kitchen, garden, veranda, and there was no sign of San. Wooyoung didn't want to be that guy, but he had to do it. He quickly ran upstairs and started opening the closed doors. Most of them were empty, but he did encounter one couple half naked, earning a scream and a yell, to which he shut the door immediately, uninterested.

"Fine, we'll go get us more drinks, okay? Stay here."

Wooyoung flipped, hearing a man's voice coming from the corridor. He saw a shadow walking off downstairs, and he followed to the room where he came from.

There he was. A raven-haired man sprawled on the bed, vulnerable.

Wooyoung gulped once before entering the room, scared, having the worst scenario that can happen in bed played in his mind.

He sighed shakily once he saw the man, although disheveled and had his smooth chest exposed with a shirt unbuttoned by five, he still looked dressed.

Guess I made it on time.

Wooyoung pat himself in his head before he leaned down to the man, who had his eyes closed, ignorant of his arrival.


The man squinted his eyes once before opening them slowly, his charcoal eyes hidden halfway.

"Mm...who's this?"

With a trill in his heart, to finally have him reflect in his beautiful eyes, he whispered softly, "Wooyoung. Jung Wooyoung, your roommate. I came to pick you up,"

"Wooyoung??" he let out a high-pitched voice which was followed by laughter. He then gathered his arms that were thrown away above him on the white bed sheets to capture the said man by his neck.

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