Chapter Twenty Four

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POV: San

"So you decided to like your roommate, which you swore to do it never again, who also happens to be straight."

Hongjoong's sharp words sliced open San's wound again, his tone salty, making sure to rub it in for further pain.

San mumbled a 'yes', not a flinch above the bed he was laying on, his face planted on the surface. The answer was muffled, and Hongjoong might not have heard, but it didn't really matter because he already knew the whole story, and he was just enjoying how pathetic his friend was.

"You're so hopeless," he sighed.

After San had left the dorm, the only place he could possibly look for shelter was Hongjoong's. And hence why he crashed at his house, not much of begging was needed as he practically owned the house which had plenty of rooms vacant. San also knew that Hongjoong had grown a need to protect him somehow, which was why he felt safe under his roof.

"You're such a sympathetic friend, Joongie," San snarled, making sure to bathe it with a high dose of sarcasm.

"Spare me your words of gratitude, I'd rather have your pathetic ass running," Hongjoong smacked the said ass, gaining a yelp from San, before he stood up leading to the door.


"I'm not going to let you vegetate in my house, young man. You gotta do some cleaning of my studio, before Jongho drops in," Hongjoong gave a glance tilting his head back.


"Choi Jongho, the gorgeous vocal talent I found the other day on YouTube," a bright grin grew on the elder's face. "He'll be working with me on my new track. This is going to be AWESOME!"

Only shifting his head posture, San looked at the small man's back growing smaller in the hallway with a tiny skip. Unlike San, Hongjoong seemed to be having the best moments of his life. He pulled himself up from the bed sighing, listening to the command made by the owner of the house—it probably was a better option before he started growing roots on the bed, unable to move completely then.

And it probably was a better option to have something to occupy his mind as that roommate of his seemed to sit there unmoving. The recurrent image of his disappointed face that night had stabbed him over and over again.

Thinking back, he definitely wasn't himself when he decided to quit mating with random people, instead feeling content sleeping with the other resident, basking in completely platonic friendship, in that small room.

He shouldn't have known the warmth of his body, a degree higher than San which seemed to chisel their way in, matching them as one by the morning. He shouldn't have known the jitters he felt when the man looked deeply into his eyes as if he could see through the core, that almost convinced him he was in love with him, too. He shouldn't have known the scorching burn when he saw the man praising or making out with a female, shoving him with the fact that they'd never be together—a pain that made him feel pathetic. He shouldn't have known—because forgetting something that touched so close to his heart was just so arduous.

What were you expecting San? It wasn't meant to be anyway.

POV: Wooyoung

It took Wooyoung some time to calm down.

When he saw the two together—his roommate and a soft-featured male who stood on the very opposite of who Wooyoung was—it riled him. He was angry, furious, upset, violent, bitter and all sorts of emotions he couldn't decipher. After a while of strangling his poor pillow, a way to release his built up pot of mixture, a question creeped in instead.

Why was he so mad?

Sure, San had broken the rule that he himself had announced. That was breaking the code, and to be accused of, but all he could do was make him pay for another entire meal at the cinema, or work on Wooyoung's english assignment for a month. It was a good reason to blackmail him (friendrily), but not exactly something to condemn him of his crime.

Unless Wooyoung was San's boyfriend, then that would be cheating, but they clearly weren't.

Then, why was he mad?

He thought; maybe facing San would help him solve the problem. But he was nowhere to be seen.

At first Wooyoung thought that San's 'moving out' statement was only what came out under that circumstance, but his doubt has slowly grown into assurance that perhaps he really meant it.

San had been ditching his English classes—the only class he shared with Wooyoung. He must have been attending university but Wooyoung failed to catch his sight. He realised that he had been dropping by the dorm to collect his belongings, but making sure to do so when Wooyoung was out having classes.

Even the most dense person (arguably Wooyoung himself) could tell—San was avoiding him.

So Wooyoung was left by himself to figure it out. He slumped on his bed, his eyes vaguely focusing on anything until they landed on the fluffy golden brown resident who had left lonely on the other's bed.

If San couldn't sleep without hugging something, then who was he with leaving his favourite plushie behind?

His mind registered the familiar sourness coiling in his belly, that one feeling he never wanted to admit, ignoring for all he could, but he now knew the name of.

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