Chapter Forty

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POV: Wooyoung

"Woo, Wooyoung."

Wooyoung heard someone calling him, feeling the shake on his body. The warmth that was just there a moment ago was drawing back, and he grumbled with his eyes still shut, trying to pull it back on him.

"As much as I want to spend the whole day holding you in my arms, aren't you going to be late for your family meetup?"

That's when he finally shot his eyes open.

Right, the damned family lunch.

He looked at the clock on the wall that said half past eleven, and groaned at the fact that he needed to be moving now or else he'll be late.

"Thanks for waking me up," he pecked the cheek of his favourite human and he walked to the bathroom.

When Wooyoung came back, San was sitting up cross-legged on the bed, scrolling through the phone. Noticing his presence, he looked up at Wooyoung who was now opening his closet and asked.

"You sure you don't want me to come?"

Getting rid of his pyjamas, he threw a sweatshirt and navy jeans on him as he replied, "Yup. I need to face this on my own, sooner or later anyways."

He checked the mirror and fixed his hair, only enough to look like he didn't just jump off bed—well, because he wasn't going on a date with San, then that would be a different scenario.

He turned around to find San with a softened eyes. He probably didn't even have to try looking nice for San, Wooyoung thought, because from the way he was looking at him, the man would just go out on a date with Wooyoung with bed hair and a pyjama.

"Besides, you're seeing your mum later, no?" Grabbing a bag with minimal possessions, he headed to the door.

"Mm," San hummed as he followed him from behind. San was still in his nightwear and messy hair, his eyes hooded with evident sleepiness, and Wooyoung winced at the cuteness.

"I could use a good luck charm, though," he looked at San teasingly.

San only tilted his head in question, and Wooyoung used that chance to lean in and steal a kiss. Perfect angle. He could feel San smile against his lips, giving a squeeze on his waist, before he pulled away.

"Tell your mum I said hi," Wooyoung said.

"Take care," San waved at him.

Sitting on the back of the bus on the way to his parents', Wooyoung felt the lightness in his heart. The pop music from his earphones helped, but there was more than that.

He wasn't sure how the lunch would go, and it could ride in a heartrending path, but he was sure, however, he could face it. It was that strength he found along the realisation towards his love.

San made him strong. It was a static fact equivalent to the earth is round or the sky is blue. He was what made him strong as San catered to his weak side, he was the reason why he wanted to be strong when San needed a shoulder to lean on.

Perhaps he had learnt something about 'independence' walking out of his old home and into the new one, because he wanted to be a reliable foundation to lean on. Perhaps he had learnt something about 'dependence', because he understood that it was okay to be vulnerable in front of people. Perhaps it was okay to discard himself for what he believed he was, and simply accept what he felt. Perhaps it was okay to hold someone close to your heart and share the other half.

And perhaps, it was all San.

POV: San

San could probably get lunch and look for something decent to take to his mother, before he headed to the hospital. He unhurriedly walked up to his closet, looking for something wearable.

While dressing, he wondered what could be a good gift to give a hospitalised person, moreover, what his mother liked. It had been four years, and his mother's preference was a distant memory ever since his life had been churches, therapies and neglection, and there wasn't a room to care for someone else.

It probably was a big change, he thought, how he had a mind to fetch something for her.

A basket of fruits, he thought. It sounded good for a patient, and he recalled his mother liked apples. Or maybe not. It didn't really matter. If he couldn't remember, he could learn. He now had a chance to know her, get close to her, and he'd rather live in the future than dwell in the past.

Pulling a jacket from the back of the closet, he noticed something remotely huge and brown sitting at the very back solemnly. It was Kuma, his old sleeping buddy. Although there wasn't a fault in the plushie, and San hadn't any emotional attachment for it that connected to Yunho, Wooyoung still seemed to be bothered. He used to glance at Kuma laying on San's bed and would give a small pout, looking down in jealousy. Childish, one would say, endearing, San would say. And so the pitiful bear was to be stored deep in his closet, until—San wasn't sure.

He was sure, though, that he was foolishly in love. Being broken two times, he avoided being attached to someone. But that never stopped his past from haunting him, having nightmares, pulling him to the dark side. When he thought he had forgotten and gotten over, he was only putting a lid on something he didn't want to see. But now, with Wooyoung by his side, he felt like the misplaced gears were finally placed where they were supposed to be, running his life to somewhere brighter.

It would be a lie to say he wasn't scared of a heartbreak. Letting Wooyoung in, giving him access to his entire heart could be devastating—if Wooyoung decided to crush it. But by now he knew that if he cowered and didn't take a step forward, he could never walk towards the light. He'd rather bask in warm rays, even if gloomy clouds and torrential rains poured down sometime in the future, than to stay under a pitch black hole avoiding everything for his entire life. Because, he knew, that was where the happiness lied. He could finally say, he was happy.

Perhaps love wasn't what made you feel like you were always at the edge, but safe in the middle of a green field. Perhaps love was what made you feel like you were lost when the other wasn't there, but instead what made you feel confident as they nestled within your heart. Perhaps love wasn't what made you feel anxious and jittery, but brave and calm. Perhaps love was believing, certain and free.

And perhaps, it was all Wooyoung.

Perhaps, you.


Most definitely, you.

- END-



This was my first time tackling a ship fanfic, entirely driven by the force of Woosan nation (because I'm severely whipped for them), and although I was quite unsure whether my passion would last and finish this off, but yes, I DID IT!

If I were to be completely honest, I didn't exactly know what the title meant when I came up with it...until the very end, and I think this makes sense? I hope?

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! If you did, please let me know in the comments, and I'd be a happy person :)

I'm planning on an epilogue, what do you say?

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