Chapter Thirty Four

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POV: San

San watched as Wooyoung dipped the spoon in the tub of ice cream he was carrying so preciously. It was a thank you gift, as he joined him on the hospital adventure, and although Wooyoung resisted saying 'there's no need', San insisted on getting one (and honestly, who ever says no to a free ice cream?).

They were now back in the dorm, settled on San's bed facing each other cross legged, enjoying their afternoon snack.

San scooped from his pistachio flavoured cup watching the other man relish in the flavour he ordered; cherry jubilee. A natural smile formed at how he was beaming, and San probably could just buy a tub everyday if a mere ice cream could make the man so happy. He did think twice, though, because that wasn't a healthy idea (quite literally).

Wooyoung noticed San's gaze and pink creeps in his cheeks, probably embarrassed thinking he must have looked childish. And that appeared all the more endearing in San's eyes.

"You wanna try?" Wooyoung pushed his tub forward.

San simply smiled and shook his head, declining his kind offer. Cherry wasn't really his go-to flavour and he'd rather see the blonde male enjoy to the very last drop of it.

"You know I'm happy about you and your mum," Wooyoung said, scooping another fair amount of pink ice cream. "And thank you for telling me about yourself. I bet it wasn't easy, but I'm glad to hear it."

San hummed in response, watching the man smile shyly, and something in him swelled up. His mind swayed back to what Yunho had said; 'you have a bright future.'

Does he really? Was there a chance that Wooyoung wasn't straight? And he liked him the way he did? If he didn't, then it would break his heart, that was sure. But more than that, San just wanted to let him know how much he loved him, how much he meant to him.

With all other negative emotions swept away, all that remained was this.

"I love you."

San met Wooyoung's widened eyes, and the spoon falling off his samely widened mouth was strangely in slow motion. The cleanliness agent at the back of his mind was relieved to see it landed safely in the tub.

A silence passed as San waited for a reaction, but the blonde male seemed to be frozen still, so he decided to take his hand that was held mid-air. The man flinched slightly, but apparently had no intention on pulling away his hand from San's gentle hold.

"Before you misunderstand, no, it's not in a bro or friend kinda way," San started softly. He was surprised at how calm he was feeling, as what remained in his heart was the genuine feeling of wanting to deliver his sincere confession. "I love you, Wooyoung. I know I'm breaking my own rules, and I understand if you don't feel the same. I just wanted you to know that you mean so much to me."

Wooyoung blinked his doe eyes, and the next moment he opened, they looked somewhat glistening. Then he mumbled shakily, "I...I can't breathe..."

San gulped. "Sorry! I didn't mean to trouble you or anything I just-" He inclined, reaching out to embrace the other, but hesitated thinking it could be too intimate for the other's liking. That moment was only brief, before Wooyoung himself jumped into his arms, San instantly catching the ice cream tubs before it made any disastrous mess on his bed.

"You and your stupid rules," Wooyoung growled in San's ears.

San chuckled dryly, not knowing what to make of this situation.

"You need a penalty for being the first one to break it."

"...Wait. The first?" San didn't let the word slip out as he pulled away slightly from Wooyoung.

They locked their eyes, and his hazel eyes softened before he whispered, "Yes. Because I'm in love with you too, dumbass."

He felt something swell in his heart and burst, a trickle feathering every cell in his body. San stayed silent for a while to ease up his breathing, and Wooyoung silent from the shyness evident from his cheeks.

"...What penalty?" San breathed, leaning his forehead on the other.

"Kiss me," he whispered back boldly.

San smirked, thinking that was the furthest thing from penalty unless he has memorised a wrong definition for the said word. The tugged smile is also caused due to how this adorable human in his arms just wanted him as much as he did.

He only needed to lean in a little from the proximity they shared, brushing his lips on Wooyoung's soft, plump lips. They've kissed, twice. But he's still surprised at how cottony it feels, and how he's heart just floods with delight with a mere touch, like it's their first.

Giving a soft and light kiss, San drew back, muttering playfully, "I'd always make stupid rules and be sure to break them if this was what I get to pay."

He felt a light slap on his back, and Wooyoung groaned, "Just shut up and-" before he could finish the infamous line, San sealed his lips again.

This time more intimate, he could feel the sweet cherry flavour lingering on his lips, and San thought he could certainly get used to this taste when it felt so delicious like this. The kiss deepened, as if they could never get enough of each other's taste. What was unlike the two kisses they shared earlier, was that this one was driven more by love and not by lust, because words weren't enough to express them entirely.

San trailed his tongue on Wooyoung's bottom lip, leaning him down slowly on the bed, skillfully placing the ice creams on the floor in the process. Wooyoung huffed, and San gave him another smooch on his lips before he proceeded to give a feathery brush on his cheek, his nose, his eyelid, and his forehead.

The man in his arms was glowing with his fully blossomed cheeks, glistening lips from their kiss, now slowly fluttering his eyelashes open to meet San's eyes. A little hue of shyness creeped in Wooyoung's dark eyes, but it soon covered in crescent as he giggled. His merry laughter chimed in San's heart, and he inhaled gingerly, letting the realisation that this pretty human shared the same feeling with him, settle in his chest.


Yay, woosan are officially couples now!

I hope you enjoyed their confession moments. :)

We still have some loose ends to tie, more fluff contents coming, and uh, sm*t??

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