Chapter Twenty One

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POV: Wooyoung

"Hongjoong's party, tonight."

Yeosang gave a doubtful look at the blonde man who had just dropped those words out of the blue. It was after English class, having lunch in the cafeteria with his good old friend as per usual.

"What for?"

"To look for a pretty girl who could light up my campus life of course!" Wooyoung exclaimed excitedly, clutching the box juice in his hand too tight, risking the content to spill.

"I thought you didn't need it anymore," Yeosang said sardonically.

Frowning at how his friend was treating him, Wooyoung asked, "why?"

After munching a scoop of rice, downing it with a kimchi stew unhurriedly, Yeosang asked in return, "don't you know the rumour going around recently?"

Wooyoung had no clue what that had to do with this matter, but he pulled a guess. "That Hongjoong is looking for a singer for his new track? And that so many people are auditioning but he's satisfied with none?"

"No, dumbshell," he shoved Wooyoung's guessing ever so easily, then dropped his voice lower and confessed, "it's about Choi San."

"San?" with a sudden mention of his roommate, Wooyoung was literally thrown in a maze not knowing where this conversation was going.

"That he's no longer a wanton, as he found a new lover. His friends have been talking out loud that he hasn't been coming by recently, and having fun betting on how long it's going to last."

New lover. Those words somehow made Wooyoung feel uneasy. Sure, San hasn't been going out recently and had stayed in the dorm room every night—whether it be on his own bed, hugging Kuma, or on Wooyoung's bed, hugging the other male. Which he wasn't planning to tell Yeosang, his best friend, scared of his judgemental looks.

"...And so? What does that have to do with me and my love life?"

"Because that new lover is supposedly called Jung fucking Wooyoung!"

"WHAT??" The surprise was real. He finally gripped his juice too tight, spluttering the orange liquid on the cheap white table of the cafeteria. Yeosang gave an eye roll at the mess.

"A gay man who can't sleep without sleeping with someone, is now stuck in his dorm room, with another man. It's pretty solid I'd say."

"That's ridiculous! We are nothing like that!" Wooyoung fumed, his cheeks now burning red. He was sure it was because he was angry at the blasphemous accusation—but one could argue he looked embarrassed and shy with the truth revealed.

"The majority disagrees," Yeosang shrugged.

"Then I need to prove it," Wooyoung made a conviction.

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The blasting music was shaking the room as well as party goers inside as usual. This party apparently had a new motive of finding a potential singer for Hongjoong, which made the musical genius the person in the spotlight more than usual, but that was the least of Wooyoung's concern.

He needed to shatter that ridiculous rumour. And to make a move in the party packed with loud university students sounded like the right place.

"Hey," he approached a girl seated alone, looking bored scrolling through her phone screen.

She gave a glance up at the blonde man, polished more for the occasion and mused, "Hey, Jung Wooyoung? Right?"

"Oh, you know me?"

"Why, you're one famous guy on our campus," her chuckle was implied, but Wooyoung decided to ignore whatever the underlying meaning was.

"How flattering," he plastered a favourable smile, taking a seat next to her on the couch.

"So, what brings you to me?" she gave a teasing look, leaning on her palm as she placed her elbow on her crossed legs.

"Is it wrong if I wanted to talk to a beautiful lady?" Wooyoung gave back a smirk.

"How flattering," she laughed. "Did you have a fight with your boyfriend?"

Wooyoung rolled his eyes. So that rumour really was travelling around the campus without his consent.

"I'm not dating anyone," he forcefully pulled a smile.

"But you and Choi San," she took a sip of a strong liquor that she had in her left hand before she continued, "I mean I don't blame you. Who wouldn't want to date him? It's a shame he's gay-"


Wooyoung's exclaim had startled the girl next to him. Noticing, he soon gained back his composure and followed, "I swear to you I'm straight. And that's why I'm making a move on you."

She stared at him for a couple of minutes before she tugged a seductive smile, leaning in, whispering in his ears, "then prove it."

The next second they connected their lips. Wooyoung could taste a strong liquor on her tongue, submerging him in the moment—the moment he wanted. The moment he needed. The moment he craved for.

Before he lost himself completely to the gravity of San.

POV: San

San got a call from Hongjoong that day, asking him to come to the party and help him sort out the auditioners. He didn't mind, especially when the older one mentioned pocket money for the work. San guided the expectants the studio allocated in Hongjoong's house (rich, you see) only to end up with Hongjoong's dropped shoulders to find no one impressive.

He was then pulled into the drinking whining session with him, complaining how he'd wanted his next track to be a special one, a demo to send to an actual company so he couldn't just compromise with 'a passable'. San had already downed enough alcohol but Hongjoong was yet to be satisfied when they had finished every drink in his room—which was why San was running an errand for the depressed boy to the kitchen.

He wished he didn't have the ability to recognise Wooyoung's voice wherever he was, even in the booming of loud music and people loudly chatting, almost screaming. That way he wouldn't have felt a piercing pain as his roommate confirmed his sexuality, denying their relationship with such an intensity as if it were the most appalling thought.

He wished he didn't have the ability to spot Wooyoung wherever he was, even in the most crowded living room dark in light. That way he wouldn't have had his heart shatter at the sight of Wooyoung indulging in the kiss with a girl, their hands busy making the moment to something more than that.

San quickly turned, storming the way out of the house, his brain growing numb with each beat the music was carving. He knew it. He knew his roommate was a straight man. Although he seemed to let him in his personal space, trusting him, looking after him as though he would his lover—he knew his feelings will never be reciprocated and that he should be happy with what he's got.

But that didn't mean he wouldn't break his heart. That didn't mean he would be okay at the sight of Wooyoung making out with someone else—whether it be a boy of a girl, but helplessness surged in him to know that he'd never look at him in that way—only because he was a man.

The pool of alcohol in him did not help his emotions numb. Instead it mixed dangerously, producing a chemical reaction leading in the wrong direction. He was broken and shattered. He felt like throwing himself away, not caring for anything. If anything could make him forget about this moment—


A firm grip pulled the tipsily wobbling man's arm. San looked.

Jung fucking Yunho.

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