Chapter Thirty Six

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POV: Wooyoung

Wooyoung couldn't tell if he loved sleeping facing each other more, where the last thing he'd see in a day and the first thing he'd see in a day was this gorgeous human's face, or being spooned, with no space in between them that he could feel San's warm heartbeat on his back, which always seems to lull him to dreamland.

But recently it was this exact warmth that kept him awake. There's no space in between them when San hugs his waist, aligning his chest to Wooyoung's back, and recently, as if all the nerves had gathered themselves a meeting on his back surface of the skin, the way San's chest heaved in air, the way his toned abs were shaped perfectly were so vividly imprinted on his skin, that he felt tingles all over his back.

It was stupid to doubt if Wooyoung liked him too much and San didn't, when the man clearly has no shame in confessing his love in front of the entire world (although he won't under the decency) and never takes his boyfriend for granted. Like never. Then Wooyoung wondered if the said man was asexual. Yes, he literally searched for the meaning, and debated if he wanted a platonic relationship (with only kisses—feather-like to accompanied by a moan-like, yeah totally believable). A thought of asking Yunho flashed in his mind, which he dismissed immediately, knowing he'd boil in jealousy if he did as much as imagine them being intimate.

He also wasn't sure what the normal speed of progress was in a relationship; how long should a couple be dating before they slept with each other. He really didn't know, but a month was enough for him to be fully sexually frustrated. Actually, if he did think of it properly, he was probably sexually attracted to San since day one, so there was that. And to have the cause around 24/7 literally fuelled his desire, and it didn't help when he's wearing sleeveless shirts flaunting his muscular biceps or when he comes back from the shower shirtless, exposing his toned body.

Wooyoung was loud and straightforward, but believe it or not, he was shy when it came to such things. But he wanted more than cuddling and kissing—he wanted San. So, there is nothing wrong in asking a lover to proceed with their relationship—only he hoped he wouldn't appear desperate (a fair argument was that he was, clearly).

They were lying on their stomach on one bed like usual, watching some YouTube videos off San's smartphone, which Wooyoung's mind was completely absent of. Wooyoung not so subtly turned to look at the man next to him, his gorgeous dimples caved in from whatever show he was watching, his eyes crescent and thin, and even under the artificial light of a cheap dorm light, he was gorgeous.

Noticing the obvious attention he was given, he gave a cheeky glance at him, those teasing eyes, that Wooyoung loved and hated so much.

Wooyoung didn't wait to lean in and smash his lips, making San leave the smartphone out of his hold. He kissed back, like always, and drew back guessing it was only a light affection he was showing, but Wooyoung chased the taste.

Wooyoung could feel the slight surprise from San, swallowing the sound he released, taking a chance to slip his tongue in the unintentional entrance. He tangled his tongue on the other's, sucking and drawing it hungrily. San's engine blew a little slower, but he soon joined in by tracing the back of Wooyoung's teeth alignment, making him shudder. He was hungry. He wanted more.

They didn't break the kiss. Wooyoung went on, now lying atop San, his hand slipping in the other's loose shirt and that's when San stopped him. He quickly held the intruder's wrist, pausing him from proceeding further, gaining a whine from him.

"Uh, Woo?" he mumbled, his voice confused.

"What," he groaned, not being able to hide his pout of dissatisfaction.

"Do you know what you are doing?" San asked in a concerned voice, and it just triggered Wooyoung.

"Of course I do! What's wrong with wanting to have sex with you?" He sat up, his legs straddled over San's small waist.

The man beneath him choked on air, whether from the word he just spilled, or the pressure he felt on his abdomen.

"Unless...," his voice fell. "Unless you don't want to sleep with me...," he dropped his head, feeling his earlier confidence shrivel to nowhere.

"No, that's not it!" San propped himself up with one elbow, another hand reaching out to the blonde male's.

"I just...," his words trailed off, looking unsure of how to phrase it right.

"What is it?"

"I just didn't know if you wanted this," he sighed. "You've been straight all your life, and even if you may feel attracted to me as a person, I'm physically a man. It's different, you know?" San looked up with a concern in his eyes, but Wooyoung wasn't convinced.

"Fuck, okay," the raven haired male dropped himself on the bed and ruffled his hair messily, covering his eyes with his palms. He admitted weakly, "I know this is stupid and cowardly, but I guess I was scared that it might hit you that you were actually dating a male when we do it, and you might not want it anymore."

What the fuck was he saying?

Wooyoung felt a flare rise up from his gut.

Did he take his 'I love you' as a half-assed confession?

That he wasn't sure of it? Or confused?

He didn't believe he really liked him?

What the fuck.

The rage was clouding his mind, but he also realised that this stupid man that laid below him, was hopelessly scared of losing him. And he couldn't help but let the sparkle of endearment float in his chest.

And that in itself was a testament of how he was fatally in love with him.

Wooyoung gave a sigh, and leaned on top of him, dropping a peck on his lips.

"I love you, San," he declared.

The man removed his own blindfold slowly, and his unsure eyes met the determined eyes of the man on top.

"And I want you. I've never been so sure in my life."

He felt the hold around his waist tighten, holding them closer if it were even possible. San's shimmered, and Wooyoung swore he would never get tired of adoring the universe he held.

With the both initiating, they pressed the lips together, as though a promise was sealed.


The-oh-so-obvious-warning; smut next chapter, and if you don't ride that well, do skip it!




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