Chapter two

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Sarah's POV

Waking up to my phone buzzing beside me. Groaning, I pick it up. I don't know what time it is but I do know it's too early to get a call.

"Hello?" My voice is hoarse and dry.

"Sarah. Have you seen the news?" One of my fellow colleague asks.

"Yes, there's been another murder in the city."

"Not only that, but there's been the same murder here."

I shot up fully awake from this news.

"Really? Since when?"

"Last night."

"When do you want me to come?"

"Now would be great. Just to let you know, not everyone is here, only who Dean can count on. So I suggest you get here fast."

"I'll be there in half an hour."

Hanging up, I jump out of bed running to the bathroom. I took a five minute shower, brushed my teeth, comb my hair, then I moved to dressing into my uniform which is black leggings, a grey t-shirt and a black sweater. My hair is in mid high ponytail.

I grab my phone before exiting my room. Waking into the kitchen, I check the time on the stone, which is half past six. Too early for my liking.

Making toast for my breakfast while I grab my weapon belt.

Making my way out of the house with a bottle water and toast in my mouth, I lock the door and settling in my car. Reviving the engine, I drive off towards the warehouse eating my breakfast.

It took me fifteen minutes to get there. I park the car then run in as I tie my belt around. Bursting in through the doors, Dean, Will (the guy who called me), Lance, Isaac, and Morgan all waited for me to come.

"Now that we're here, I'd like to announce that the police has given us this case to figure out who did it. I chose you five because you are the most worthy, courage, and you don't let me down. As soon as I see you're not doing what I ask and giving your one hundred best, you will be kicked off this team and possibly fired. Do you understand me?"

We nod.


The last thing I need is to be fired.

We geared up ready to go to the crime scene.

When we got there, police tape surrounded the body along the side of Cooperstown B&B. The whole building is on lockdown while everyone had to stay in their rooms. To all of the milling people wandering around the are, the cops had to shoo them at a distance.

Dean talked to what looks to be the lieutenant. The five of us ducked under the tape to investigate the body.

The male, who looks to be in his late teens, lays limp against the wall. The body as pale as a ghost with two bite marks in the neck.

He was so young as well.

I did notice the neck laying to the right side as his ear is just past his shoulder. Whoever did this cracked his neck. Having no experience with this kind of murder, I have no idea what to do.

"There's no blood leaking whatsoever. It must have been drained completely," Will points out.

That's true.

"It's definitely a vampire because what else would create this?" I say.

The four hummed for response. Dean came to investigate as well.


By the time I got home, it's quarter to eight. I spent the whole day training and in a meeting for two hours about the murder and how it could be connected to the other murders.

Dean has a theory that it's a newborn vampire and that it's roaming around the globe feasting on people to lower his hunger.

Another theory is that the people could be linked in some ways that could connect each victim.

Both theories are bizarre but could be true.

My phone rings, glancing at the caller I pick it up.

"Hey mom."

"Hey sweetie, how was your day?"



"I went to the crime scene of a murder, you know, the ones are are taking place everywhere? Well I've been assigned to the case along with dad's guys. So we spent that for two hours, did more training, then had a meeting if they're connected in some ways or not, and that took two hours more. I just got home."

"Well it seems you have a busy day. Well I'll call you back, night."


Hanging up the phone, I have a quick shower before going straight to bed without dinner.


The next morning I woke up to the sun shinning through the translucent curtains.

Luckily, today's my day off so I'm free to do what ever I like. Or so I thought until my phone rings.

"Harper," I say into the phone.

"Hey Sarah. I hate to tell you but boss wants you down here."

"Couldn't he allow me have one day off?"

"You wish." Will hung up.

I got dressed in my gear before walking out the door.

It didn't take me long to get there. When I did, I wasn't the last one. We waited for Isaac to come and when he did we got right to it.

"Listen up, as you five know, we are uncharged of this murder. We need to find this vampire and execute it. Whether they're friends or not." Dean directed the last sentence to me gazing straight into my eyes.

His icy cold stare sent shivers down my spine. He continued on how we must be prepared for anything.

"You start your search today. I will split you up into a little groups. Three of us will be going in the forest and three will be heading into town, more specifically the B&B. Sarah, Will and Issac, you'll be going in the forest. Lance, Morgan and I will head into town. Get as much information as possible."

We then split our ways.

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