Chapter twelve

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Blade's POV

I wave Sarah in the dressing room. I feel something deep down that doesn't add up.

"I need to figure something out. It just doesn't add up to what happened."


I picked Sarah up as she screams at me to put her down. I set her beside the semen, like I'm going to put her where the victim was.

"I need you to cooperate with me. Stay there."

I figure something in my head. The vampire must have grabbed her and placed her right where the semen sits.

Concentrating hard, I glance at Sarah who's starring right back at me. Trying to imagine what the vampire did to poor Taylor.

Holding Sarah down by the hips I can tell she's squirming under my touch. I give her a glare and she stopped.

"Tell me if this gets too uncomfortable."

She nods and I start what I think happened.

"I believe that the vampire and the victim came in here. There were no signs of force entry, thus believing that the vampire was invited in. Whether he knocked or she found him," I start to explain my theory to Sarah, whom stays quiet.

"It comes in and they do something, probably start making out. You wanna know how I know that?"


"I know that because if they were talking first, Taylor would had put her makeup away, and she didn't. So something happens and one of them pushes the makeup away. Then if I'm correct, Taylor sits how your sitting right now, but legs open wider to invite him in. Then they have sex and that's how the semen gets there. After that, he bites her then ends up snapping her neck if it's just like the other murders. Or he killed her before raping her."

"Since when did you become a detective?"

"Oh honey, there's a lot of things you don't know about me."

"Like what?"

"I'm not telling you that."

"And why not?" Sarah asked a bit irritated.

"Because it's none of your concern and it's classified information."

"You are irritating sometimes, do you know that?"

"Why yes I do."

I back away from her once I have established my theory. Sarah still sat on the table waiting for me to do something.

I broke the silence, "did you ask anyone?"

"No as soon as Will and I were free from guarding, I saw you exiting one of the dressing rooms. I come in and your doing a little scavenger hunt."

"Scavenger hunt my ass."

She giggles at my remark. God that giggle! It brings me butterflies.




"Do . . . Do you know who's doing this? Or have an idea who?"

"Not a fucking clue," I mumbled.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes everything I fine," I answer quickly. I don't need her to know what's really bothering me.

"Are you sure?"


She dropped it at that. Thank goodness. I crossed my left arm over my chest bringing my right hand to my mouth. I gaze at the floor as I think the plausible outcome that occurred.

What doesn't make sense is that, if I look back, how Dean wouldn't allow Will and Sarah see
the corpses. Guarding the door?

Something is definitely up with him. I'll have a chat with Keir and Sabe later when we're alone.

"Guys, guys, guys."

Sabe comes barging in the room. How'd he know we're here?

"There is something you need to see!" Sabe exclaims like he's a kid on Christmas. Without hesitation, Sarah and I followed Sabe to the exit doors. Sabe throws his hood over cueing me to do the same. Turning over his shoulder he throws me a pair of sunglasses which I catch with ease.

"What's so important that it's out here?" Sarah asks sounding eager.

"Calm down Sarah."

"I wasn't even panicking."

"Uh-huh sure."

"I wasn't!" Her voice chirped. I chuckled softly hoping Sabe wouldn't hear, knowing Sarah wouldn't.

But luck wasn't on my side and Sabe turned to look at me raising his eye brow. "What?"

He gave me a smirk while shaking his head. "Nothing."

I rolled my eyes shaking my head as well. "Shut up."

Sabe opens the door letting the rays of sun light peeking through the dark building.

"Oh god that's bright."

"No kidding," I reply to Sarah.

Sabe lead the way around the next building. He ducked down signalling us to duck down.

"What the fuck are we doing?" Sarah asks.

"Shut up and duck down!" Sabe snapped graphing her arm pulling her down right on me.

Thanks Sabor.

Wrapping my arm around her waist so she doesn't fall. She grips my shirt as tight as she could so she doesn't fall.

"Hi," I reply.

She pushes herself off of me moving towards the corner. "Rude," I mutter.

A voice we all recognize, Dean, spoke on the phone. We listen intently hoping we don't get caught.

"Okay, Harrisville. Got it."

"Alright we'll he's clearly talking to the police or someone so I'm gonna go look for more clues."

Sarah picked up and left us both starting as she walks away from us, my mouth gapes open.

"Did she just leave us?" I ask still shocked.

"Yes, yes she did."

We turn back to Dean listening, still unsure why he brought us, or me, out here.

"Listen. Don't get caught okay? We need to be careful here," he whispers into the phone so no one can hear. I perk up at the sentence as Sabe tenses beside me.

Dean clicks off starting our way. We get up and book it back into the building.


"Alright, we will be heading off to Harrisville.," Dean announces proudly. I scoffed at him luckily not noticing, or completely ignored me.

I know something is up with Dean and I'm going to stop at nothing until I figure it out.

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