Chapter eleven

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Blade's POV

When we got to Mohawk, it looks like it has been here for centuries. The buildings are ancient yet the buildings look fairly rundown.

Citizens milling about not even paying attention to a white truck that screams 'stranger danger.'

"This place looks creepy," Sarah commented.

"No kidding," I reply.

"This seems it could be straight out of a horror movie," Kathrine speaks up for the first time since we started the car ride here.

"This gives me the chills," Sabe comments. Yes I have started calling Sabor, Sabe.

"Damn, I could see how crimes could be committed here," Keir answers.

"This is worse than the forest back home," Sarah comments.

Dean drives up to what looks to be a bar. Police tape surrounded the building. Police cars surround the building as well. A few cops stand guard outside.

Dean parks across from the bar. We get out of the truck as the hunters bring their items they need. The seven of us walk up to the officers, one of them, assuming the Lieutenant, greets us.

"Hello, you must be Dean Kon."

"Sure am, Lieutenant Foster?"

"Yep. Glad you'd make it. This is the first strange murder we ever had. Seeing the news of the past murders and we had to contact you."

"Well thank god you did. We are chasing after this guy."

"C'mon in and see our victim."

He lifted the tape for us to come inside the bar.

Entering the building, the lieutenant explained what happened last night. The fire alarm went off and everyone evacuated. The police were called but it was a false alarm. Everyone was sent home and the workers had to come the next day. The boss took attendance for safety reasons and a woman wasn't there.

I stopped paying attention but instead took a good view of the bar. In the middle is the bar all around, the dance floor to the left of the bar and seating scattered around the building. The employees are being questioned by the cops, in different places.

At the back right of the building is a hallway that catches my attention. "Vamps, go get as much information as possible, Sarah and Will, come with me."

We went our ways. I immediately went to the hallway. I don't care if I get caught. Something about this hallway draws me in.

The hallway light shines brightly covering every inch of the walls and floor. Doors stand align on each side. To the left is the men's washrooms and to the right is the women's washrooms. The storage room is a couple feet down from the men's washrooms.

After the storage, there's an emergency exit at the end and multiple dressing rooms labeled with last names. All of the doors are open but not a person inside, until I get to the end when I hear faint sobs. You're probably thinking, how can I hardly hear the sobs when I'm a vampire and have intense hearing? Well the answer is simple.

The crying was very faint, just sniffling almost. Not a sob.

I walk to the door seeing a woman, looking as young as thirty from the back, sniffling with her head buried in her hands. Her midnight black hair in a messy bun, black bar t-shirt with dark blue jeans.

"Miss," I say hoping to catch her attention. I do successfully. She lifts her head my direction.

"What are you doing back here?" She asks.

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