Chapter thirteen

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Sarah's POV

We sit back listening to the recording that Blade captured. Currently, we are on our way to Harrisville. The recording stopped.

That was interesting.

"Well. At least we have a description and the name of possible criminal," Kathrine spoke.

"I'm not sure who's doing this. If it's him or not but it could be a lead. As of now he's a suspect," Blade replies.

"Do you know where he could be?" Will asks.

"No. Rebecca didn't say where he could be."

"That sucks. Now we have to try and find him," Dean replies.

"How do you suppose we find him?" Blade snaps.

"I don't know but you should have asked where he would be."

"I did. Were you not paying attention to the recording?"

"No I'm concentrating on driving."

"Well she said she doesn't know."

"Well that's not good."

"No it isn't."

The bickering between Dean and Blade is hilarious. I bit my bottom lip to stifle a laugh. Katherine bursts into a fit of laughter.

"What's so funny?" Blade snaps towards our direction.

"You and Dean arguing," Kathrine replies still laughing.

"Why is that funny?"

"Because you guys are arguing like children!"

"We are not!"

"Uh-huh sure," I say.

Silence lingers not knowing what to do. It's only been ten minutes into the drive which means we only have one hour and thirty nine minutes left.

This is going to be a long ride.

"I'm hungry," I blurt out.

Keir and Sabe snap their heads at me, Kathrine nods her head while looking over her nails. Blade, Will and Dean hum in response.

Well they're useless.

"Are we stopping anywhere?"

I just realized that I missed breakfast, and lunch.

"No. I'm sure there's snacks back there."

"Thanks for letting me die of starvation."

I start searching for the snacks that are stashed somewhere. "Help me," I whine quietly. Blade starts searching for the food. I stand on my knees searching through the shelves. Blade and Keir are on either side of me.

"Blade I'm going to stand up can you hold my leg?"

"Sure thing."

He grasps my calf with one hand. Once I know I'm sturdy I stand to my full height and start searching for those snacks. I wouldn't be doing this if Dean would take us to a fast food place to eat.

"Sarah, what the fuck are you doing?" Dean asks clearly annoyed.

"Well I'm searching for the snacks since you won't stop."

"Sarah get down."

"Look Kon, she's hungry if you couldn't tell. Maybe if you would have stopped then she won't be up and searching."

I can feel his touch tense on my calf. I bite my lip trying to settle the pain.

"Look Blade, she should have eaten when she had the chance."

"First off, it's Ramose to you and secondly, when did she have time to eat? She's been up and working nonstop."

"Blade," I try and intervene the conversation also wincing at the pain that shoots up from my leg. Keir jumps in the conversation.

"Aright you two, Blade just help Sarah find the food. Kon, fuck you."

"What did you say to me?"

"I'm sorry I'm not listening."

"Watch your tone you vamps, I'm not afraid to kill you right here right now."

"I'm sorry but you kind of need us to find this vamp," Keir replies.

I kneel down in front of Blade catching his eye.

"You can let go now."

He let's go if me as I sit against the shelf allowing my leg to rest from the pain. "Sorry," he mumbled in my ear. "It's okay."

Blade stood up to get me the food. He stood up holding himself in place somehow and searched. Somehow finding the food he brings the bag down for me.

"Thank you."

"No problem."

I pick out couple granola bars chowing down in seconds. Keir leans over to me.

"When we stop we'll get you food."

I nod. I pass Will the bag incase he needs the food. After my little snack I begin to fall asleep. I had a busy day and needed rest.

Blade's right. I've been working non stop and needed a meal and sleep.

"You look tired, sleep if you need to. It's a long drive until we're there," Blade whispers into my ear.

"No, I'm fine."

"Stubborn are you?"

"No I'm not."

"Sure you are."

I chuckle as my eye lids start to give out. I fight the dizziness but it soon takes over.


I felt an arm wrap around me as I drift off into sleep.

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