Chapter nine

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Sarah's POV

I wonder how long I'll keep having the nightmare for. It's already tiring me out as it is.

It's putting more stress on me and I don't need that.

It's the same dream over and over again.

When I woke up panting, Blade, Sabe and Kathrine surrounded me.

"What the hell? Are you okay?" Kathrine asks me.

"Yeah, just a nightmare. No need to worry about it."

Blade stared at me awkwardly, Sabe looked concerned and Kathrine seems worried.

"Really guys, I'm fine."

"Well you don't seem like it. You were talking in your sleep then woke up feeling where you were stabbed," Blade replies.

"What was I saying?"

"We don't know, you were mumbling," Sabe replies. They knew something was up but wouldn't tell me. I know Sabe. I can tell when he's lying or not.

I nod and sigh. "Well I'm going back to sleep."

I curl into the blankets. "Alright, night."

"Night," I hear three voices say in unison.

I tried going back sleep when in reality I knew I couldn't. The nightmare replayed in my mind.


When I woke up, Kathrine laid on the bed watching tv.

I'm surprised I feel asleep when I couldn't remember when I did.

"Morning sleeping beauty."

"Morning," my voice came out rusty from the dryness in my mouth. I sit up to stretch.

"Where's Sabe?"

"Out with the others."

"Oh shit, I forgot."

Kathrine chuckles. "Don't worry it's still a bit early."

I skittle out of bed picking up my things and running to the bathroom. "Sarah it's fine. You're not late. The people here are in church right now so you still have time."


Tiring my hair in a ponytail, I walk out packing my things up.

"You go an fill pack."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm a fast packer and I've already packed my things. So go!"

I ran out of the room into the hallway, booking it outside. Dean jumps from the back of the truck with notebooks and pens.

"Morning Harper."

"Morning Kon. Where's everyone?"

"The three vamps went out of the area to drink their blood. They're just outside these walls. Will is in our room packing up."

"So I'm not late, then."

"No. Didn't Kathrine tell you?"

"Yeah, but I thought she was only saying that to calm me down."

He shook his head handing me a notebook and a pen. "I'll tell you the instructions when the others come."

As if on cue, Kathrine comes out with two bags.

"I told her but she's so stubborn sometimes."

"No wonder you didn't want me to kill your vamp friends."

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