Chapter seven

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Sarah's POV

"Eight of spades," Blade said as he places the card on the ground.

Sabe throws a chip in the centre, along with Will, Kathrine and I.

"Nine and ten of Spades," Keir says.

We've been playing poker for the last hour. Fifteen minutes into the drive we all got bored so we set up Poker to play. We did stop for gas once out of this hour, but other than that, we've been on the road.

So far, Blade and I are winning while the rest are a bit behind. Kathrines's almost out of the game and Sabe is just behind us.

I threw in another chip in.

"I'm out," Kathrine replies as she puts her last chip in.

"Don't you have your cards that you still have?" Keir ask placing his cards down.

"No, I don't have the cards."

"You don't know that," Sabe says.

"Oh Sabe, Sabe, Sabor. I've played Poker before and I know when I can and can't play."

"Three, four, five of Diamonds," Will played.

It's Kathrine's turn, she looks like she just got owned.

"Six of diamonds," she placed the card down. Sabe and I burst into laughter.

"I've played poker before and I know when I can and can't play, she said," I mock.

"Shut up."

I chuckle.

"Yo Will, can ya pass me a water, please?"

Grabbing the cooler he passed me a water then went for his turn. I let the cold liquid wash out the dryness in my throat.

"I miss drinking water," Kathrine quietly says.

"Well it still taste good," I joke. She shakes her head in disapproving manner.

"I hate you," she mumbled.

"You miss me."

"I do, but I still hate you."

"Who's winning?" Dean asks.

"Umm . . . Well it's a tie between Sarah and Blade," Will tells him. "I thinking Sarah will win. She's amazing at Poker," Sabe replies.


"Agree, no matter how close your winning, she comes up behind you," Kathrine adds.

"Really? Well, Sarah and I should play a game and see, I've been playing Poker for as long as I can remember."

"Hmm, sure. I'd love to beat your ass."

"Sure about that Harper?"

"Yeah, I've been playing since I was thirteen. I used to play this with the boys on their nights off. Remember Will?"

"Oh yeah, at first she was just like the rest of us. Now she's like no one can beat her."

"We'll see about that," Blade exclaimed.

"What the hell do you mean by that?" I ask.

"I mean, I may just beat you."


"Ok, so when we get there, we will sign into a hotel and sleep for the night. Vamps, you'll do whatever but don't get into trouble. In the morning, we'll be investigating."

"What time will we get there?" Keir asks.

"Around eleven or so."

Taking another half an hour, we finally are finishing the game with just me and Blade. Will and Sabe are observing the game that's left, Keir's in his little world, and Kathrine reading one of my books.

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