Chapter twenty four

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Sarah's POV

In less than an hour, we'll be going to a bar that Dean has found.

I feel a little uneasy since he never allows any type of break or fun thing.

But what's the harm?

Kathrine and Dawn are with me in my room helping me pick out the right outfit. Kathrine is keeping her distance away from Dawn even though she's not coming with us, neither is Blade.

It's sad cause I want to spend my time with them but they need to feel better. They can't die on us when we catch Marshal and possibly his boss.

"I wish I can come but I need to protect myself and the rest. But have fun! Stay around Dawn and them."


She gasps. "Maybe you'll finally find a guy!"


"Yes and you won't be alone!" Dawn chirps.

"Oh god," I mumble.

In the end I end up wearing a white blouse and skinny jeans. I'll wear my runners instead of wearing fancy shoes.

Walking downstairs everyone else is ready to go.

"Have fun!" Kathrine replies as we walk out.

Gathering in our van Dean started the van and off we went. On the way I'm talking to Keir.

It took ten minutes to find it. He parks the truck in the parking lot and we get out. Dawn wraps her arm around my shoulders chugging along.

"IDs." The guard replies.

We show our IDs to him and we're in. Music blasts and people drinking. "Cmon, we're getting drunk."


"Yeah, vampires can get drunk. Just add alcohol in the blood and bam, we're drunk!"

I laugh at her enthusiasm.

We make our way to the bar. Taking our seats, a really cute Asian guy with a strong jawline, black hair gelled back, and muscles bulging out of his clothes.

"Hey, what can I get you ladies?"

"Your strongest drinks, we're getting drunk tonight. Also I need mine in blood thank you," Dawn instructs.

He nods and away he fixes our drinks. "Okay, look around the bar."

I did what she asks without questioning. "See any cute guys?"

I smile at her, "really?"

"Yes really! You need someone." Dawn gasps like she has an idea.

"What about Blade?"

"Blade? He's cute but . . ."

"You love him?"

"I . . . No . . . He's . . ."

"You do!" She squeals. Sheepishly smiling the cute Asian waiter came back with our drinks.

"Thanks," we say. He nodded and left for another person.

"So, how long have you and Keir been together?"

"We've been together for fifteen years."


"Yes, and no break ups either."

"Wow. Have you guys ever thought of getting married?"

"We have briefly talked about it a few times in the past three years. I guess we're still not ready yet."

"I can see that. Weddings can be very stressful."

"They are. How long have you, Sabe, Kathrine and Lennix been friends for?"

"I was friends with sabe since I was young. Like really young. So young that I think of him as a brother I never had. The other two we've met in junior high and high school. Lauren was also apart of our friend group but had to move."

"Do you still talk to her?"

"Oh yeah. We keep in touch. Recently it's hard since we're finding this sucker."

"I know. I wasn't apart of this for the first part but it seems stressful. Finding Blade was stressful."

"Does be always just run off like that?"

"Sometimes when he needs to be alone or something happened. The most he's been away is a week. We don't tend to worry but when he chased someone and hasn't returned, it's when we get a little worried."

"Okay. I just wasn't quite sure."

"It's okay. You have to know him really well to know that he can handle himself. But I guess he barely made it out alive this time around."

"Yeah. I just wasn't quite sure if that's what he does or not."

The music blares behind us and people making out.

Get a room.

Keir comes up scaring Dawn and laughing. They chatter while I keep to my own business.

"Sarah, I'm stealing my girlfriend for a bit. You okay alone?"


Dawn gave me a sorrowful look but left with him. Now I'm alone.

No later did I hear someone sit beside me. Sneakily glancing over, a cute African American man sits beside me.

"You seem a bit lonely." He said.

I glance over to him and he's looking at me.

"I notice your friend left you so I wanted to talk to you."

"Well then, hi I'm Sarah."

"I'm Josh. Let me buy you a drink."

"Oh you don't have to."

"But I insist. What would you like?"

"Coke with Rum."

Dammit I have to go to the bathroom. I waited a bit as we talk after Josh orders our drinks.

We instantly clicked.

Through out the night, we laughed and talked about our lives. We have so much in common from liking vampires to being single and a virgin. We both have a parent dead. Sadly his is from suicide in prison instead of a vampire.

He offered to buy me another drink which I accepted. I haven't had this fun in ages.

"Hey, I'm going to the washroom quickly."


"I shouldn't be too long."

At that, I got up and left towards the washrooms. I really have to go. Why the hell did I wait?

I practically ran. Running into an empty stall, I feel relieved.

Washing my hands then I leave back to the bar.

"Hi, I'm back. Hopefully I wasn't too long."

"You weren't."

"Thank god."

He already drank half of his drink. "Thanks again for the drink."

"No problem."

I drank it all down.

It didn't take long for me to feel uneasy though.

"Hey, are you okay? You look pale."

I hold my stomach and slowly shake my head. "Let's get you outside for fresh air."

I agree and he wraps his arm around my shoulder. We make our way outside and that's when the whole world started spinning.

The cool air hit me and that's when my legs gave out and my vision went black.

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