Chapter twenty five

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Blade's POV

Kathrine and I are chilling in the living room while the others are out.

"Blade I'm bored!"

"Well what do you want to do?"

"I don't know but I need to do something!"

"Well if you don't give me any hints or ideas then how am I supposed to know."

"I don't know! Too bad we're not human or we could order out."

"Too bad."

"I want to get drunk."

"You do that."

"Come get drunk with me!"

She grasps my hands and drags me to the kitchen. Kathrine starts rummaging through the cupboards looking for alcohol and blood.

"Instead of just standing there you can help me."

I shake my heard starting to rummage through the cupboards as well. "Ah hah! I found alcohol. Now where's the blood."

I chuckle at her accomplishment.

"While we search for the blood, I have a question."

"Go for it."

"Do you still like Sarah?"


"Because I have a feeling she likes you in a way. I still believe you two have a chance."

"What makes you think she likes me?"

"Because as her best friend, I can tell. Plus don't think I caught her walking into your room and not coming out until morning. I also passed your room finding her wrapped in the blankets."


"Yes. I believe she likes you . . ."

I find the blood but don't say a thing just set it aside and continue to listen to Kathrine.

". . . Can see it in her eyes."

"Well let's hope she still feels the same way."

"Stop doubting."

She notices the blood taking it away from my reach to pour her and myself a glass. I grab the alcohol to pour my amount and gave it to Kathrine.

"She really enjoys your company, especially when you went missing."

"So I heard."

"Hey, how about when they get back or when this is all over, ask her on a date."

"You think she'll say yes?"

"Oh my god yes! I know she will! Just try it!"

"Okay, I will. But if she says no then I'm putting the blame on you."


We walk back into the living room with our drinks.

"Okay we need to watch a movie. Which one should we watch?"

"A horror movie."

"Ooh I have the perfect one! The Invisible Man. I heard it's a really good movie."

"Sure we can try it."

Kathrine puts the movie on drinking her beverage.

Halfway through the movie, I get a call from Dawn.



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