Chapter twenty seven

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Sabe's POV

Twenty four hours.

Twenty four long fucking hours.

It's been twenty four hours since Sarah disappeared.

Blade has gone insane, Kathrine locked herself
in her room sobbing since our friend has been missing. The rest of us has been trying to find where she's been taken.

"Where the fuck would they take her?" Blade growls.

"We don't fucking know!" Will says annoyed.

Blade's been pacing around probably plotting their deaths.

The tv played in the background as we thought of the possibilities where she could be.

"At this rate, they're probably across Canada," I state.

"I would be surprise if they aren't," Lennix replies.

"Well I'm going to check up on Kathrine," Dawn replies leaving us.

Blade stops pacing but stays quiet, then someone's phone went off. Everyone checks their phone until Blade answers his.


Everyone, except for Will, listens to the conversation.

"Hello Blade."

"What the hell do you want?"

"You want your girl back, right? Well I have her. If you want her back come at the cabin and we'll hover her back. In return, we want you and just you."

His expression softened as the phone line cut.

"Is it the cabin?" Lennix asks.

"Yeah. And we're going tonight."

"But you heard him, he wants you!" I comment.

"And that's what he's going to get."

"What is going on?" Will asks.

Blade fills him in as I don't like the idea of Blade switching out for Sarah. Don't get me wrong, I want her back. But there has to be another way.

"Blade, there's got to be another way where we can get Sarah but keep you," Keir replies.

"What plans do you suggest we use?"

Silence lingers when the girls come down.

"What's happening?" Dawn asks.

"Well, Blade got a call from Marshal telling him that he has Sarah. We know where Sarah is but Blade has been told that he exchanged himself for her," I fill them in.

"No, Blade. Your not exchanging yourself, there's got to be another way."

"That's what I said!" Keir says.

"I've got an idea," Will jumps in.


Making our way to the cabin in the white truck, we've got our plan set.

"Blade, are you ready to go?" Will asks.


Will and Blade are at the front talking over about the plan, while he directs Will. The rest of us sit at the back waiting for our part.

The truck stops in the middle of the forest.

Blade gets out walking to the Cabin. We waited a few minutes before getting out.

And that's when it starts.

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