Chapter fourteen

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Blade's POV

And there she goes, falling asleep on me. Will handed me a blanket and I wrap it around Sarah.

She snuggle into my body getting comfortable until she's completely out. Sabe smiles, Kathrine winks, Keir isn't paying attention and Will nods his head.

Dean finally stops the car. He gets out of the truck doing what he needs to do. I couldn't tell what he's doing. Handing Sarah over to Keir I open the back door. Hopping out Dean is filling the truck.

"How long are you going to be?"

"I don't know. This is almost empty."


I wan back to the truck. "Will what something?"

"No thanks I can last."

"Okay. Keir pass me my wallet please." He grabs my bag, takes out the wallet and passes it to me. I head into the convenient store.

It's small like your typical gas station, with the food and supplies all stored on the shelves neatly.

Skimming through the shelves, a container Turkey sandwich sat there. I picked it up while getting her a fresh water.

"Is this everything sir?" A woman, dressed in a navy blue t-shirt and black ripped jeans, looking no older than mid twenties asks me.


"That's would be . . . $7.46."

I scan my credit card. "Would you like a bag?"

"No thanks."

"Have a good day sir."

"You too."

I grab the sandwich and water and head out.

Dean finishes up with the gas as I hop in the back. "What's with the good?" Keir asks me as I set the sandwich on the shelf. "Hey can you it this in the freezer?" I ask Will. He grabs it and places it in the freezer.

"This is for Sarah. I'm not letting her starve unlike someone."

"What a great friend, or should I say, boyfriend," Kathrine teases.

"Shut up," I reply stifling a smile. Shutting the back door Keir carefully handed Sarah to me. I wrap my arm around her making her comfortable.

Dean got in and off he went on the road. Will got out a deck of cards.

"What do y'all want to play?"

"What about Cheat?" Sabe asks.

Everyone agrees. Will shuffles the deck and hands out. As Sarah sleeps away in my arms I look at my hand and organize it. Kathrine starts.

"Two Aces."

It went around on a circle until it was my turn.

"Three fives."

Kathrine pauses probably thinking if I'm lying.

"Cheat." I flip over the cards showing one five of diamonds and two three of hearts. I collect the pile of cards.

I thought I'd get through it. Damn.

"Two six's," Kathrine plays.

In the whole game, Kathrine, Will, and Sabe did pretty well. I have several cards that I couldn't keep track of, making two hands of cards.

Keir had the second largest hand of cards since he failed at cheating as well. Will is packing up the cards as Sarah stirred in her sleep.

Her eyes finally pries open from her slumber.

"Morning sleeping beauty," Sabe replies as he takes a sip of blood. My arm draped from her to move around.

"Are we there yet?" Her raspy voice echoed through the van. Will immediately got out the water I bought for her. He passed it down to her. Gulping the fresh, cold water down her dry  throat.


"Hey, you still hungry?" I ask.


"Here . . ." I reach up to the bag grabbing the sandwich. I hand it to her and her face lit up like a kid on Christmas.

"Oh my god, Blade you didn't have to. Thank you."

She jumped on me giving me a massive hug in appreciation.

"Your welcome. Now eat, you must be starving."

She let go of me and started munching on the Turkey sandwich I bought. "To win a girls heart is with food," Kathrine commented.

The way Sarah chowed down on the sandwich is adorable.


Now I'm sounding so mushy.

"Yo Sarah, I'm stealing your books. I'm bored as hell."

She nods too busy paying attention to her Turkey sandwich.

I laid back against the shelves getting comfortable. I'm not in any mood to ask Dean how much longer. Keir, Will and Sabe chatted amongst themselves. Sarah sat quietly finishing up her food. Kathrine took one of her books to read.

All is good until someone's phone rang.

Everyone check and it wasn't them until I checked mine.

"Who is it?" Will asks.

"Unknown number."

On the third ring I answer.


"Hello Blade Ramose," a disguise voice replied. You know the Scream disguise voice? Yeah it sounded just like that.

"What do you want?" I sneer.

An eerie chuckle escaped their mouth. "Well I just want to say that you and your vamp hunters and vamp friends won't be able to catch me. I'm invincible."

"Wait until I catch you and stab every inch of your body with my stake," Sarah hissed.

"You must be Sarah Harper. Well I'm going to leave y'all a surprise. It's from me personally. Hope you enjoy it."

"Wait! Who are you?" Kathrine asks.

"If I told you who I was it wouldn't be fun now would it?"

"Asshole," Sarah muttered.

It laughed a dark laugh.

"Enjoy my little present."

It laughed darkly as it beeped off leaving us shocked.

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